This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from gtk.texi. This file documents GTK, the GIMP Toolkit Copyright (C) 1996 Peter Mattis Copyright (C) 1997 Peter Mattis Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by Peter Mattis. INFO-DIR-SECTION User Interface Toolkit START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * GTK: (gtk). The GIMP Toolkit END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: GtkAlignment, Next: GtkArrow, Prev: Widgets, Up: Widgets The alignment widget ==================== Description ----------- The alignment widget is a container (*note GtkContainer::) derived from the bin widget (*note GtkBin::). Its entire purpose is to give the programmer flexibility in how the child it manages is positioned when a window is resized. Normally, a widget is allocated at least as much size as it requests. (*note GtkContainer:: for a discussion of geometry management). When a widget is allocated more size than it requests there is a question of how the widget should expand. By convention, most GTK widgets expand to fill their allocated space. Sometimes this behavior is not desired. The alignment widget allows the programmer to specify how a widget should expand and position itself to fill the area it is allocated. Options ------- - User Option: xscale - User Option: yscale The XSCALE and YSCALE options specify how to scale the child widget. If the scale value is 0.0, the child widget is allocated exactly the size it requested in that dimension. If the scale value is 1.0, the child widget is allocated all of the space in a dimension. A scale value of 1.0 for both x and y is equivalent to not using an alignment widget. - User Option: xalign - User Option: yalign The XALIGN and YALIGN options specify how to position the child widget when it is not allocated all the space available to it (because the XSCALE and/or YSCALE options are less than 1.0). If an alignment value is 0.0 the widget is positioned to the left (or top) of its allocated space. An alignment value of 1.0 positions the widget to the right (or bottom) of its allocated space. A common usage is to specify XALIGN and YALIGN to be 0.5 which causes the widget to be centered within its allocated area. Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_alignment_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkAlignment' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_alignment_new (gfloat XALIGN, gfloat YALIGN, gfloat XSCALE, gfloat YSCALE) Create a new `GtkAlignment' object and initialize it with the values XALIGN, YALIGN, XSCALE and YSCALE. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: void gtk_alignment_set (GtkAlignment *ALIGNMENT, gfloat XALIGN, gfloat YALIGN, gfloat XSCALE, gfloat YSCALE) Set the XALIGN, YALIGN, XSCALE and YSCALE options of an alignment widget. It is important to not set the fields of the `GtkAlignment' structure directly (or, for that matter, any type derived from `GtkObject'). - Function: GtkAlignment* GTK_ALIGNMENT (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkAlignment*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkAlignmentClass* GTK_ALIGNMENT_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkAlignmentClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_ALIGNMENT (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkAlignment' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkArrow, Next: GtkAspectFrame, Prev: GtkAlignment, Up: Widgets The arrow widget ================ Description ----------- The arrow widget is derived from the misc widget (*note GtkMisc::) and is intended for use where a directional arrow (in one of the four cardinal directions) is desired. As such, it has very limited functionality and basically only draws itself in a particular direction and with a particular shadow type. The arrow widget will expand to fill all the space it is allocated. Options ------- - User Option: arrow_type The ARROW_TYPE option specifies which direction the arrow will point. It can be one of `GTK_ARROW_UP', `GTK_ARROW_DOWN', `GTK_ARROW_LEFT' or `GTK_ARROW_RIGHT'. This will set the arrow pointing in the direction specified. - User Option: shadow_type The SHADOW_TYPE option specifies how to draw the shadow for the arrow. Currently, only the `GTK_SHADOW_IN' and `GTK_SHADOW_OUT' shadow types are supported for drawing arrows. Other shadow types will cause nothing to be drawn. Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_arrow_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkArrow' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_arrow_new (GtkArrowType ARROW_TYPE, GtkShadowType SHADOW_TYPE) Create a new `GtkArrow' object and initialize it with the values ARROW_TYPE and SHADOW_TYPE. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: void gtk_arrow_set (GtkArrow *ARROW, GtkArrowType ARROW_TYPE, GtkShadowType SHADOW_TYPE) Set the ARROW_TYPE and SHADOW_TYPE options of an arrow widget. It is important to not set the fields of the `GtkArrow' structure directly (or, for that matter, any type derived from `GtkObject'). - Function: GtkArrow* GTK_ARROW (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkArrow*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkArrowClass* GTK_ARROW_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkArrowClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_ARROW (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkArrow' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkAspectFrame, Next: GtkBin, Prev: GtkArrow, Up: Widgets The aspect frame widget ======================= Description ----------- Ensure that the child window has a specified aspect ratio or, if obey_child, has the same aspect ratio as its requested size. Derived from *note GtkFrame::). Options ------- - User Option: label - User Option: xalign - User Option: yalign - User Option: ratio - User Option: obey_child Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_aspect_frame_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkAspectFrame' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_aspect_frame_new (gchar *LABEL, gfloat XALIGN, gfloat YALIGN, gfloat RATIO, gint OBEY_CHILD) Create a new `GtkAspectFrame' object and initialize it with the values LABEL, XALIGN, YALIGN, RATIO and OBEY_CHILD. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: void gtk_aspect_frame_set (GtkAspectFrame *ASPECT_FRAME, gfloat XALIGN, gfloat YALIGN, gfloat RATIO, gint OBEY_CHILD) - Function: GtkAspectFrame* GTK_ASPECT_FRAME (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkAspectFrame*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkAspectFrameClass* GTK_ASPECT_FRAME_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkAspectFrameClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_ASPECT_FRAME (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkAspectFrame' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkBin, Next: GtkBox, Prev: GtkAspectFrame, Up: Widgets The bin widget ============== Description ----------- The bin widget is a container (*note GtkContainer::) derived from the container widget. It is an abstract base class. That is, it is not possible to create an actual bin widget. It exists only to provide a base of functionality for other widgets. Specifically, the bin widget provides a base for several other widgets that contain only a single child. These widgets include alignments (*note GtkAlignment::), frames (*note GtkFrame::), items (*note GtkItem::), viewports (*note GtkViewport::) and windows (*note GtkWindow::) Options ------- Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_bin_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkBin' type identifier. - Function: GtkBin* GTK_BIN (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkBin*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkBinClass* GTK_BIN_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkBinClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_BIN (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkBin' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkBox, Next: GtkButtonBox, Prev: GtkBin, Up: Widgets The box widget ============== Description ----------- The box widget is a container (*note GtkContainer::) derived from the container widget. It is an abstract base class used by the horizontal box (*note GtkHBox::), the vertical box (*note GtkVBox::) and the (*note GtkButtonBox::) widgets to provide a base of common functionality. A box provides an abstraction for organizing the position and size of widgets. Widgets in a box are laid out horizontally or vertically. By using a box widget appropriately, a programmer can control how widgets are positioned and how they will be allocated space when a window gets resized. The key attribute of boxes is that they position their children in a single row (horizontal boxes) or column (vertical boxes). In the case of horizontal boxes, all children are stretched vertically. The vertical size of the box is determined by the largest vertical requisition of all of its children. Similarly, a vertical box stretches all of its children horizontally. The horizontal size (of the vertical box) is determined by the largest horizontal requisition of all of its children. An alignment widget (*note GtkAlignment::) can be used to control child allocation more precisely on a per child basis. The second attribute of boxes is how they expand children. In the case of a horizontal box, the main control is over how children are expanded horizontally to fill the allocated area. (The rest of this discussion will focus on horizontal boxes but it applies to vertical boxes as well). There are two flags which can be set controlling how a widget is expanded horizontally in a horizontal box. These are the `expand' and `fill'. There operation is fairly simple. If `expand' is set, the child's potentially allocated area will expand to fill available space. If `fill' is set, the child's actual allocated area will be its potentially allocated area. There is a difference between the potentially area (which is the area the box widget sets aside for the child) and the actual allocated area (which is the area the box widget actual allocates for the widget via `gtk_widget_size_allocate'). The allocation of space to children occurs as follows (for horizontal boxes): 1. All children are allocated at least their requested size horizontally and the maximum requested child size vertically. 2. Any child with the `expand' flag set is allocated `extra_width / nexpand_children' extra pixels horizontally. If the `homogeneous' flag was set, all children are considered to have the `expand' flag set. That is, all children will be allocated the same area.The horizontal box is a fair widget and, as such, divides up any extra allocated space evenly among the "expand" children. (Those children which have the `expand' flag set). The exception occurs when `extra_width / nexpand_children' does not divide cleanly. The extra space is given to the last widget. 3. `spacing' number of pixels separate each child. Note: The separation is between the potentially allocated area for each child and not the actual allocated area. The `padding' value associated with each child causes that many pixels to be left empty to each side of the child. 4. If a child has the `fill' flag set it is allocated its potentially allocated area. If it does not, it is allocated its requested size horizontally and centered within its potentially allocated area. Its vertical allocation is still the maximum requested size of any child. 5. Children placed at the start of the box are placed in order of addition to the box from left to right in the boxes allocated area.. Children placed at the end of the box are placed in order of addition from right to left in the boxes allocated area. *Note GtkHBox::, and *Note GtkVBox::, for code examples of using horizontal and vertical boxes. Options ------- - User Option: expand - User Option: fill - User Option: padding - User Option: expand Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_box_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkBox' type identifier. - Function: void gtk_box_pack_start (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *CHILD, gint EXPAND, gint FILL, gint PADDING) Add CHILD to the front of BOX. The flags EXPAND and FILL and the padding value of PADDING are associated with CHILD. - Function: void gtk_box_pack_end (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *CHILD, gint EXPAND, gint FILL, gint PADDING) Add CHILD to the end of BOX. The flags EXPAND and FILL and the padding value of PADDING are associated with CHILD. - Function: void gtk_box_pack_start_defaults (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *WIDGET) A convenience function which is equivalent to the following: gtk_box_pack_start (BOX, WIDGET, TRUE, TRUE, 0); - Function: void gtk_box_pack_end_defaults (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *WIDGET) A convenience function which is equivalent to the following: gtk_box_pack_start (BOX, WIDGET, TRUE, TRUE, 0); - Function: void gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GtkBox *BOX, gint HOMOGENEOUS) Set the homogeneous setting of this box to HOMOGENEOUS. - Function: void gtk_box_set_spacing (GtkBox *BOX, gint SPACING) - Function: void gtk_box_reorder_child (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *CHILD, guint POS) - Function: void gtk_box_query_child_packing (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *CHILD, gint *EXPAND, gint *FILL, gint *PADDING, GtkPackType *PACK_TYPE) - Function: void gtk_box_set_child_packing (GtkBox *BOX, GtkWidget *CHILD, gint EXPAND, gint FILL, gint PADDING, GtkPackType *PACK_TYPE) - Function: GtkBox* GTK_BOX (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkBox*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkBoxClass* GTK_BOX_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkBoxClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_BOX (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkBox' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkButtonBox, Next: GtkButton, Prev: GtkBox, Up: Widgets The button box widget ===================== Description ----------- The button box widget is a container (*note GtkContainer::) derived from the (*note GtkBox::) widget. It is an abstract base class used by the horizontal button box (*note GtkHButtonBox::) and the vertical button box (*note GtkVButtonBox::) widgets to provide a base of common functionality. The button box, like the box widget, (*note GtkBox::) provides an abstraction for organizing position and size of widgets. In the case of the button box it is targeted at the button widget,(*note GtkButton::). Button widgets are laid out in the box horizontally or vertically. By using a button box widget appropriately, a programmer can control how the button widgets are positioned and how they will be allocated space when a window gets resized. Options ------- - User Option: layout_style * `GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD' * The layout style `GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD' will spread the buttons out evenly within the button box. When the parent window is resized they will re-adjust to the new window dimensions. The `gtk_button_box_set_spacing' function will set the minimum space that the buttons will leave between themselves. * `GTK_BUTTONBOX_EDGE' * * `GTK_BUTTONBOX_START' * The layout style `GTK_BUTTONBOX_START' will place the buttons at the start of the button box, taking into account the spacing as set by the `gtk_button_box_set_spacing' function. The buttons will not move when the parent window is re-sized. * `GTK_BUTTONBOX_END' * The layout style `GTK_BUTTONBOX_END' will place the buttons at the end of the button box, taking into account the spacing as set by the `gtk_button_box_set_spacing' function. Again like the `GTK_BUTTONBOX_START' layout style the buttons will not move when the parent window is re-sized. - User Option: width - User Option: height - User Option: ipad_x - User Option: ipad_y Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_button_box_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkButtonBox' type identifier. - Function: void gtk_button_box_set_child_size_default (gint WIDTH, gintHEIGHT) - Function: void gtk_button_box_set_child_ipadding_default (gint IPAD_X, gint IPAD_Y) - Function: void gtk_button_box_get_child_size_default (gint *WIDTH, gint *HEIGHT) - Function: void gtk_button_box_get_child_ipadding_default (gint *IPAD_X, gint *IPAD_Y) - Function: void gtk_button_box_set_child_size (GtkButtonBox *WIDGET, gint WIDTH, gint HEIGHT) - Function: void gtk_button_box_set_child_ipadding (GtkButtonBox *WIDGET, gint IPAD_X, gint IPAD_Y) - Function: void gtk_button_box_set_layout (GtkButtonBox *WIDGET, gint LAYOUT_STYLE) This will set the layout style of the buttons within this box. Currently it can be set to one of `GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD', `GTK_BUTTONBOX_EDGE', `GTK_BUTTONBOX_START' or `GTK_BUTTONBOX_END'. The following example: gtk_button_box_set_layout (GTK_BUTTON_BOX (box), GTK_BUTTONBOX_SPREAD); Will set the BOX argument to the "SPREAD" layout style described above. - Function: gint gtk_button_box_get_spacing (GtkButtonBox *WIDGET) Get the per widget value for spacing within the button box. This value is the amount of space that will be between the individual buttons contained by this box. - Function: void gtk_button_box_get_child_size (GtkButtonBox *WIDGET, gint *WIDTH, gint *HEIGHT) - Function: void gtk_button_box_get_child_ipadding (GtkButtonBox *WIDGET, gint *IPAD_X, gint *IPAD_Y) Get the per widget value for the padding inside the buttons. This value controls how large the buttons will be within the box. - Function: gint gtk_button_box_get_layout (GtkButtonBox *WIDGET) Get the LAYOUT_STYLE for the `GtkButtonBox' object passed to this function in the WIDGET variable. layout = gtk_button_box_get_layout(GTK_BUTTON_BOX (box)); - Function: GtkButtonBox* GTK_BUTTON_BOX (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkButtonBox*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkButtonBoxClass* GTK_BUTTON_BOX_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkButtonBoxClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_BUTTON_BOX (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkButtonBox' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkButton, Next: GtkCheckButton, Prev: GtkButtonBox, Up: Widgets The button widget ================= Description ----------- A pressable button. Contains a widget. Changes its appearance (hilites) when it gets the focus. Changes its appearance (pressed) when activated. Derived from *note GtkContainer::. Signals ------- - Signal: void GtkButton::pressed (GtkButton *BUTTON) - Signal: void GtkButton::released (GtkButton *BUTTON) - Signal: void GtkButton::clicked (GtkButton *BUTTON) - Signal: void GtkButton::enter (GtkButton *BUTTON) - Signal: void GtkButton::leave (GtkButton *BUTTON) Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_button_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkButton' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_button_new (void) Create a new `GtkButton' object. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_button_new_with_label (gchar *LABEL) Create a new `GtkButton' object and set the text that is on the button to LABEL. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: void gtk_button_pressed (GtkButton *BUTTON) - Function: void gtk_button_released (GtkButton *BUTTON) - Function: void gtk_button_clicked (GtkButton *BUTTON) - Function: void gtk_button_enter (GtkButton *BUTTON) - Function: void gtk_button_leave (GtkButton *BUTTON) - Function: GtkButton* GTK_BUTTON (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkButton*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkButtonClass* GTK_BUTTON_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkButtonClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_BUTTON (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkButton' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkCheckButton, Next: GtkCheckMenuItem, Prev: GtkButton, Up: Widgets The check button widget ======================= Description ----------- Another form of toggle button (*note GtkToggleButton::) with an indicator. Contains a widget to the right of the indicator. Changes its appearance (hilites) when it gets the focus. Options ------- Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_check_button_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkCheckButton' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_check_button_new (void) Create a new `GtkCheckButton' object and initialize it with the default values in the library. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. A `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_check_button_new_with_label (gchar *LABEL) Create a new `GtkCheckButton' object and initialize it with the values LABEL. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on any failure. - Function: GtkCheckButton* GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (gpointer OBJ) - Function: GtkCheckButtonClass* GTK_CHECK_BUTTON_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) - Function: gint GTK_IS_CHECK_BUTTON (gpointer OBJ) - Function: GtkCheckButton* GTK_CHECK_BUTTON (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCheckButton*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkCheckButtonClass* GTK_CHECK_BUTTON_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCheckButtonClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_CHECK_BUTTON (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkCheckButton' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkCheckMenuItem, Next: GtkCList, Prev: GtkCheckButton, Up: Widgets The check menu item widget ========================== Description ----------- Derived from *note GtkMenuItem::. Very similar to a checkbutton (*note GtkCheckButton::), except that it's a menu item. Has a toggled state which is displayed in a small rectangle to the left of the contained widget. Options ------- - User Option: label - User Option: state Signals ------- - Signal: void GtkCheckMenuItem::toggled (GtkCheckMenuItem *CHECK_MENU_ITEM) Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_check_menu_item_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkCheckMenuItem' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_check_menu_item_new (void) Create a new `GtkCheckMenuItem' object. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_label (gchar *LABEL) Create a new `GtkCheckMenuItem' object and initialize it with the values LABEL. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: void gtk_check_menu_item_set_state (GtkCheckMenuItem *CHECK_MENU_ITEM, gint STATE) - Function: void gtk_check_menu_item_toggled (GtkCheckMenuItem *CHECK_MENU_ITEM) - Function: GtkCheckMenuItem* GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCheckMenuItem*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkCheckMenuItemClass* GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCheckMenuItemClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_CHECK_MENU_ITEM (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkCheckMenuItem' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkCList, Next: GtkColorSelection, Prev: GtkCheckMenuItem, Up: Widgets The compound list widget ======================== Description ----------- A list of rows of columns, with a title row. You can insert rows, and delete rows. The user can scroll around and select a row. Derived from *note GtkContainer::. Cells can be empty, have a text and/or pixmap, or be a widget. Options ------- Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_clist_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkCList' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_clist_new (int COLUMNS) Create a new `GtkCList' initializing it with the value COLUMNS. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_clist_new_with_titles (int COLUMNS, gchar *TITLES[]) - Function: void gtk_clist_set_border (GtkCList *CLIST, GtkShadowType BORDER) Set the border style of the CLIST to the shadow type BORDER. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_selection_mode (GtkCList *CLIST GtkSelectionMode MODE) Set the selection mode on the CLIST to the MODE selection mode. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_policy (GtkCList *CLIST, GtkPolicyType VSCROLLBAR_POLICY, GtkPolicyType HSCROLLBAR_POLICY) Set the policy on the scrollbars on the CLIST to VSCROLLBAR_POLICY and HSCROLLBAR_POLICY. - Function: void gtk_clist_freeze (GtkCList *CLIST) Stop all visual updates of the CLIST. Useful for when making a large number of changes to a `GtkCList'. - Function: void gtk_clist_thaw (GtkCList *CLIST) Allow all visual updates of the CLIST to resume. - Function: void gtk_clist_column_titles_show (GtkCList *CLIST) Show the column title buttons on the CLIST. - Function: void gtk_clist_column_titles_hide (GtkCList *CLIST) Hide the column title buttons on the CLIST. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_column_title (GtkCList *CLIST, gint COLUMN, gchar *TITLE) Set the title in column COLUMN of the CLIST button to TITLE. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_column_widget (GtkCList *CLIST, gint COLUMN, GtkWidget *WIDGET) Set the WIDGET instead of the title button for the column COLUMN in the CLIST. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_column_justification (GtkCList *CLIST, gint COLUMN, GtkJustification JUSTIFICATION) Set the COLUMN's justification, in the CLIST to JUSTIFICATION. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_column_width (GtkCList *CLIST, gint COLUMN, gint WIDTH) Set the pixel width of column COLUMN in the `GtkCList' CLIST to WIDTH. This function is a necessary step in creating a `GtkCList' because otherwise the column width is chosen from the width of the column title, which is almost never correct. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_row_height (GtkCList *CLIST, gint HEIGHT) Change the height of the rows in the CLIST to HEIGHT. The default is the height of the current font. - Function: void gtk_clist_moveto (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, gintCOLUMN, gfloat ROW_ALIGN, gfloat COL_ALIGN) Scroll the viewing area of the `GtkClist' in CLIST to COLUMN and ROW. The ROW_ALIGN and COL_ALIGN are between zero and one, representing the location the row should appear on screen. Setting ROW_ALIGN or the COL_ALIGN to 0.0 will be the top or left of the viewing area. Setting the ROW_ALIGN or COL_ALIGN to 1.0 will be the bottom or right of the viewing area. If the ROW or COLUMN is -1 then there is no change. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_text (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, gint COLUMN, gchar *TEXT) Set a given cell's text, located by the ROW and COLUMN, to TEXT replacing its current contents. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_pixmap (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, gint COLUMN, GdkPixmap *PIXMAP, GdkBitmap *MASK) Set a given cell's text, located by the COLUMN and ROW arguments, to the pixmap described by the PIXMAP argument using the MASK as its mask. The current contents of the cell will be replaced. - Function: void gtk_clist_setpixtext (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, gint COLUMN, gchar *TEXT, guint8 SPACING, GdkPixmap *PIXMAP, GdkBitmap *MASK) Set a given cell's text and pixmap, located by the ROW and COLUMN arguments, to the text and pixmap described by the PIXMAP and TEXT arguments. The MASK will be used for the pixmap mask and the SPACING argument specifies the spacing between the two. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_foreground (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, GdkColor *COLOR) Set the foreground color of row ROW to COLOR in the `GtkCList' CLIST. The COLOR must already be allocated. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_background (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, GdkColor *COLOR) Set the background color of row ROW to COLOR in the `GtkCList' pointed to by CLIST. The color must be previously allocated. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_shift (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, gint COLUMN, gint VERTICAL, gint HORIZONTAL) Set the horizontal and vertical shift for drawing the contents of the cell located at ROW and COLUMN. The VERTICAL and HORIZONTAL arguments can be positive or negative. - Function: gint gtk_clist_append (GtkCList *CLIST, gchar *TEXT[]) Append the given text, in the TEXT[] argument, to the `GtkCList' pointed to by the CLIST. The return value is the index of the row that was just added. - Function: void gtk_clist_insert (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, gchar *TEXT[]) Insert a row into the `GtkCList' pointed to by CLIST at row ROW with the text in TEXT[]. - Function: void gtk_clist_remove (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW) Remove row index ROW from the CLIST. - Function: void gtk_clist_set_row_data (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, gpointer DATA) Will set an arbitrary data pointer, DATA, for row ROW in the `GtkCList' pointed to by CLIST. - Function: gpointer gtk_clist_get_row_data (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW) Return the data that was set for row ROW from the `GtkCList' pointed to by CLIST. `NULL' is returned if no data was set. - Function: void gtk_clist_select_row (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, gint COLUMN) Force selection of a row, located by ROW and COLUMN, in the `GtkCList' pointed to by CLIST. - Function: void gtk_clist_unselect_row (GtkCList *CLIST, gint ROW, gint COLUMN) Force the unselection of a row, located by ROW and COLUMN, in the `GtkCList' pointed to by CLIST. - Function: void gtk_clist_clear (GtkCList *CLIST) Clear the entire contents of the `GtkCList' pointed to by CLIST. This is much faster then removing each item separately with `gtk_clist_remove'. - Function: GtkCList* GTK_CLIST (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCList*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkCListClass* GTK_CLIST_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCListClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_CLIST (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkCList' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkColorSelection, Next: GtkCombo, Prev: GtkCList, Up: Widgets The color selector widget ========================= Description ----------- A widget that allows a user to pick a color in one of many ways. They can click on a color wheel or saturation bar. They can change hue, saturation, value, red, green, or blue with a slider, or by entering values. Also allows the user to set an alpha (opacity) value. Derived from *note GtkVBox::. Options ------- - User Option: policy * GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS * GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS * GTK_UPDATE_DELAYED - User Option: color - User Option: use_opacity - User Option: title Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_color_selection_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkColorSelection' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_color_selection_new (void) Create a new `GtkColorSelection' object. The new object is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: void gtk_color_selection_set_update_policy (GtkColorSelection *COLORSEL, GtkUpdateType POLICY) - Function: void gtk_color_selection_set_color (GtkColorSelection *COLORSEL, gdouble *COLOR) - Function: void gtk_color_selection_get_color (GtkColorSelection *COLORSEL, gdouble *COLOR) - Function: void gtk_color_selection_set_opacity (GtkColorSelection *COLORSEL, gint USE_OPACITY) - Function: guint gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkColorSelection' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_color_selection_dialog_new (gchar *TITLE) Create a new `GtkColorSelection' object initializing the title bar of the resulting dialog to TITLE. The new widget is returned as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: GtkColorSelection* GTK_COLOR_SELECTION (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkColorSelection*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkColorSelectionClass* GTK_COLOR_SELECTION_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkColorSelectionClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_COLOR_SELECTION (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkColorSelection' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkCombo, Next: GtkContainer, Prev: GtkColorSelection, Up: Widgets The combo widget ================ Description ----------- Text input box which also lets you choose from pre-defined values from a drop-down menu. Derived from *note GtkHBox::. Options ------- Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_combo_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkCombo' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_combo_new (void) Create a new `GtkCombo' object returning the new widget as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: void gtk_combo_set_value_in_list (GtkCombo *COMBO, gint VAL, gint OK_IF_EMPTY) - Function: void gtk_combo_set_use_arrows (GtkCombo *COMBO, gint VAL) - Function: void gtk_combo_set_use_arrows_always (GtkCombo *COMBO, gint VAL) - Function: void gtk_combo_set_case_sensitive (GtkCombo *COMBO, gint VAL) - Function: void gtk_combo_set_item_string (GtkCombo *COMBO, GtkItem *ITEM, gchar *ITEM_VALUE) - Function: void gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings (GtkCombo *COMBO, GList *STRINGS) - Function: GtkCombo* GTK_COMBO (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCombo*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkComboClass* GTK_COMBO_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkComboClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_COMBO (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkCombo' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkContainer, Next: GtkCTree, Prev: GtkCombo, Up: Widgets The container widget ==================== Description ----------- A base class for objects that are built out of other widgets. Many widgets are containers. For example, a button contains a widget. That widget might be a text label (usually is), or a pixmap, or even an hbox which has a label and a pixmap. Options ------- - User Option: border_width Signals ------- - Signal: void GtkContainer::add (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkWidget *WIDGET) - Signal: void GtkContainer::remove (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkWidget *WIDGET) - Signal: void GtkContainer::need_resize (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkWidget *WIDGET) - Signal: void GtkContainer::foreach (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkCallback CALLBACK, gpointer CALLBACK_DATA) - Signal: gint GtkContainer::focus (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkDirectionType DIRECTION) Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_container_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkContainer' type identifier. - Function: void gtk_container_border_width (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, gint BORDER_WIDTH) - Function: void gtk_container_add (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkWidget *WIDGET) Add WIDGET to the CONTAINER. - Function: void gtk_container_remove (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkWidget *WIDGET) Remove WIDGET from CONTAINER. - Function: void gtk_container_disable_resize (GtkContainer *CONTAINER) - Function: void gtk_container_enable_resize (GtkContainer *CONTAINER) - Function: void gtk_container_block_resize (GtkContainer *CONTAINER) - Function: void gtk_container_unblock_resize (GtkContainer *CONTAINER) - Function: gint gtk_container_need_resize (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkWidget *WIDGET) - Function: void gtk_container_check_resize (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkWidget *WIDGET) - Function: void gtk_container_foreach (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkCallback CALLBACK, gpointer CALLBACK_DATA) - Function: void gtk_container_focus (GtkContainer *CONTAINER, GtkDirectionType DIRECTION) - Function: GList* gtk_container_children (GtkContainer CONTAINER) - Function: GtkContainer* GTK_CONTAINER (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkContainer*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkContainerClass* GTK_CONTAINER_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkContainerClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_CONTAINER (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkContainer' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkCTree, Next: GtkCurve, Prev: GtkContainer, Up: Widgets The multi-column tree widget ============================ Description ----------- The GtkCTree widget is a multi-columned list with a designated column, the `tree column', to display hierarchically-organized data. Each node is either a folder (a branch of the tree) or a leaf. Nodes can be (recursively) expanded, collapsed, (un)selected, removed, moved, sorted etc. GtkCTree is a descendant of *note GtkCList::. Therefore, a cell in a column other than the tree column can only contain a string, a pixmap, both or nothing. A node in the tree column can contain a string and up to two pixmaps and masks, indicating the "folder openend" and "folder closed" status. Compared to GtkCList, there is no concept of row numbers. Therefore, a number of GtkCList methods had to be re-implemented taking `GList *node' arguments instead of `gint row'. Options ------- Signals ------- - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_expand (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE) - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_collapse (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE) - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_move (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE, GList *NEW_PARENT, GList *NEW_SIBLING) - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_select_row (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *ROW, gint COLUMN) - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_unselect_row (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *ROW, gint COLUMN) Functions --------- - Function: GtkType gtk_ctree_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkCTree' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_ctree_new (gint COLUMNS, gint TREE_COLUMN) Creates a new GtkCTree widget with the given number of columns and the given tree column. On success, a pointer to the newly created widget is returned, and `NULL' otherwise. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_ctree_new_with_titles (gint COLUMNS, gint TREE_COLUMN, gchar *TITLES[]) Creates a new GtkCTree widget with the given number of columns and the given tree column. The column titles are initialized to the strings of the array TITLES. On success, a pointer to the newly created widget is returned, and `NULL' otherwise. - Function: GList* gtk_ctree_insert (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *PARENT, GList *SIBLING, gchar *TEXT[], guint8 SPACING, GdkPixmap *PIXMAP_CLOSED, GdkPixmap *MASK_CLOSED, GdkPixmap *PIXMAP_OPENED, GdkPixmap *MASK_OPENED, gboolean IS_LEAF, gboolean EXPANDED) Inserts a new node at the given position. If PARENT == NULL, the node is inserted at root level. If SIBLING == NULL, the node is appended to the existing list of siblings. Otherwise, the node is inserted before SIBLING. If not NULL, the two pixmaps/masks are used to indicate the opened/closed status of the node. SPACING is the number of pixels between pixmap and text. If IS_LEAF == TRUE, the node cannot have any children. The initial expanded/collapsed status is given by EXPANDED. On success, the pointer to the newly inserted node is returned, and NULL otherwise. - Function: void gtk_ctree_remove (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE) Removes the given node and all its children. - Function: void gtk_ctree_clear (GtkCTree *CTREE) Removes all nodes of CTREE. - Function: void gtk_ctree_post_recursive (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE, GtkCTreeFunc FUNC, gpointer DATA) Apply FUNC to NODE and all its children, traversing CTREE in post-order. - Function: void gtk_ctree_pre_recursive (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE, GtkCTreeFunc FUNC, gpointer DATA) Apply FUNC to NODE and all its children, traversing CTREE in pre-order. - Function: gboolean gtk_ctree_is_visible (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE) Returns the visibility status of the given node. A node is said to be visible if in the chain of parent nodes every node is expanded. Or : the node is currently being displayed (but not necessarily inside the viewing area). - Function: GtkCTree* GTK_CTREE (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCTree*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkCTreeClass* GTK_CTREE_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCTreeClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_CTREE (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkCTree' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkCurve, Next: GtkGammaCurve, Prev: GtkCTree, Up: Widgets The curve widget ================ Description ----------- Derived from *note GtkDrawingArea::. Options ------- - User Option: type * GTK_CURVE_TYPE_LINEAR * GTK_CURVE_TYPE_SPLINE * GTK_CURVE_TYPE_FREE Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_curve_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkCurve' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_curve_new (void) Create a new `GtkCurve' returning the new widget as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. - Function: void gtk_curve_reset (GtkCurve *CURVE) - Function: void gtk_curve_set_gamma (GtkCurve *CURVE, gfloat GAMMA) - Function: void gtk_curve_set_range (GtkCurve *CURVE, gfloat MIN_X, gfloat MAX_X, gfloat MIN_Y, gfloat MAX_Y) - Function: void gtk_curve_get_vector (GtkCurve *CURVE, int VECLEN, gfloat VECTOR[]) - Function: void gtk_curve_set_vector (GtkCurve *CURVE, int VECLEN, gfloat VECTOR[]) - Function: void gtk_curve_set_curve_type (GtkCurve *CURVE, GtkCurveType TYPE) - Function: GtkCurve* GTK_CURVE (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCurve*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkCurveClass* GTK_CURVE_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCurveClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_CURVE (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkCurve' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkGammaCurve, Next: GtkDialog, Prev: GtkCurve, Up: Widgets The gamma curve widget ====================== Description ----------- Lets the user edit a gamma curve (a one-to-one mapping usually used to adjust the intensity of an image to the physical characteristics of the output device). You can set the minimum and maximum values for input and output. You can set the initial vector as well. You are guaranteed that every input value will have a (not necessarily unique) output value specified. Derived from *note GtkVBox::. Makes use of *note GtkCurve:: to draw the curve. Options ------- Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_gamma_curve_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkGamma' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_gamma_curve_new (void) Create a new `GtkGamma' returning the new widget as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. - Function: GtkGammaCurve* GTK_GAMMACURVE (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkGammaCurve*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkGammaCurveClass* GTK_GAMMACURVE_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkGammaCurveClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_GAMMACURVE (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkGammaCurve' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkDialog, Next: GtkDrawingArea, Prev: GtkGammaCurve, Up: Widgets The dialog widget ================= Description ----------- The dialog widget is a window (*note GtkWindow::) that has a vertical box (*note GtkVBox::), a horizontal box (*note GtkHBox::), separated with a horizontal separator (*note GtkHSeparator::). Options ------- Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_dialog_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkDialog' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_dialog_new (void) Create a new `GtkDialog' object and return the new widget as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: GtkDialog* GTK_DIALOG (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkDialog*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkDialogClass* GTK_DIALOG_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkDialogClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_DIALOG (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkDialog' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.  File:, Node: GtkDrawingArea, Next: GtkEntry, Prev: GtkDialog, Up: Widgets The drawing area widget ======================= Description ----------- A base class for widgets that need a box to draw into. So far, only used by GtkCurve. Options ------- - User Option: width - User Option: height Signals ------- Functions --------- - Function: guint gtk_drawing_area_get_type (void) Returns the `GtkDrawingArea' type identifier. - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_drawing_area_new (void) Create a new `GtkDrawingArea' object returning the new widget as a pointer to a `GtkWidget' object. `NULL' is returned on failure. - Function: void gtk_drawing_area_size (GtkDrawingArea *DAREA, gint WIDTH, gint HEIGHT) Set the size of the DAREA widget, created previously, to WIDTH and HEIGHT. - Function: GtkDrawingArea* GTK_DRAWING_AREA (gpointer OBJ) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkDrawingArea*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: GtkDrawingAreaClass* GTK_DRAWING_AREA_CLASS (gpointer CLASS) Cast a generic pointer to `GtkDrawingAreaClass*'. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info. - Function: gint GTK_IS_DRAWING_AREA (gpointer OBJ) Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkDrawingArea' object. *Note Standard Macros::, for more info.