The FreeType compilation HOWTO Introduction I. Quick compilation 1. Unix 2. OS/2 3. MS-DOS 4. Amiga II. Package layout 1. The library 2. The test programs III. Compilation steps 1. Compiling the library 2. Compiling the graphics subsystem & driver 3. Compiling the test programs IV. Test programs usage and additional notes 1. zoom 2. lint 3. view 4. timer 5. ftdump 6. ftstring 7. ftstrpnm 8. fterror -------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: This file describes the steps that are necessary to compile the files found in this package. Section I contains instructions to compile the package 'out-of-the-box' on a variety of platforms/compilers. Section II gives the detailed layout of the package's files, a necessary understanding for the detailed compilation steps given in section III. Note that more detailed system-specific versions of this file exist in the "freetype/howto" directory. You may consult them if you encounter problems on your platform. This package, known as the FreeType 1.1 Public Release, contains several things: - the 1.1 release of the FreeType library, contained in the 'lib' directory. The library is written in portable ANSI C. It should compile fine with any type of ANSI C compiler. Note that 16 bit compilers are not fully supported yet (the library compiles, though), as some problems may arise with very large point sizes, or large font files. However, code has been severely checked for errors lately. - a set of test programs, found in the directory 'test' which provide: - A small graphics subsystem used to display the bitmaps produced by the library, on a great variety of systems. The subsystem is made of several files: - a set of common files (gmain.h, gmain.c, gdriver.h, and gevents.h) - some system-specific drivers used to implement the interface found in 'gdriver.h' and 'gevents.h' (gfs_dos.c, gfs_os2.c, gwin_x11.c, etc). The X11 driver is located in "test", while others are located in architecture-specific directories (example: "test/arch/os2/gpm_os2.c"). - "common.h/c" provide the 'basename' and 'getopt' functions for systems which do not provide it already. - Several test programs which use the library and the graphics subsystem: - ftzoom: A simple glyph viewer. Supports composite glyph loading, font smoothing. - ftlint: A simple glyph instruction verifier. Used to execute all glyphs instructions found in a font file at a given ppem size. Useful to find bugs in the library and/or font files. - ftview: A simple font viewer. Supports font smoothing and hinting! - fttimer: Performance timer used to benchmark the scan-line converter. Supports display and font-smoothing. This is _not_ an indication of FreeType's overall performance! - ftdump: A very simple font information dumper. - ftstring: A simple program to display a given string or message in a given font, at a given point size. - ftstrpnm: Converts a given text string rendered with a given font at a given size into PBM or PGM format which can be further converted into popular graphics formats like GIF or PNG with the netpbm tool suite. - fterror: Tests the GNU gettext() functionality for internationalized message. - an OS/2 font driver for TrueType fonts to replace the original TRUETYPE.DLL (which is of poor quality). It is located in the contrib/ftos2 subdirectory. - a conversion tool, called ttf2bdf, which uses the FreeType library to produce bitmaps in BDF format (used with X Windows), located in the directory "contrib/ttf2bdf". It is only supported on Unix for now. - another conversion tool, called ttf2pk, used to convert TrueType fonts to TeX's PK font format, in "contrib/ttf2pk". It currently needs the kpathsea library (which is part of web2c, a popular TeX implementation) for TeX file searching, but it should be easy to replace the searching routines. -------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Quick compilation: NOTE: With the exception of Unix, all system-dependent makefiles and configuration files are located in the directories lib/arch// and test/arch//. 1. Unix: We provide a 'configure' script that will automatically create configuration and Makefile files in all relevant directories. Creation of shared libraries is supported; say 'configure --help' for configuration options. Graphics display is performed through X11 only, which means that the performance measured by 'timer' with display 'on' should not be considered as 'informative'. We have tested FreeType and its tools with the gcc compiler; if you use a platform specific compiler or make program which need special compilation switches please report this to our mailing list so we can incorporate this into the next release. Go to your 'freetype' directory, type './configure', 'make', and 'make install'. Other available targets are `depend', `clean', `distclean', and `uninstall'. Please jump to section IV for usage descriptions. Please read sections II and III to learn how to compile the package for your own system in case the configure script fails for your system. Note: If FreeType is compiled with the GNU gettext i18n extension (via ftxerr18.c), you have to use '-lintl -lttf' for linking with the FreeType library. Type `./configure --help' to see the available configuration options; you can set the installation path for message catalogues with the `--with-locale-dir' option. 2. OS/2: o Note that you must be located in the "test" directory when invoking one the three following makefiles: This is for gcc/emx + dmake. It builds both full screen and PM windowed test versions. To use it, go to the 'test' directory and type: make -r -f arch/os2/ Makefile.emx: This file must be used with GNU make and gcc/emx. It builds a version of the test programs that use a PM display window (xxx.exe) and a version that uses the full-screen display driver (xxxfs.exe). To use it, go to your 'test' directory, then type: make -f arch/os2/Makefile.emx Makefile.icc: This file must be used with Visual Age C++. It now supports full-screen and PM display. Note that the library is compiled with optimizations OFF, due to a compiler bug which makes icc compile the file 'ttraster.c' erroneously. This bug will be reported to IBM. To use it, go to your 'test' directory, then type: nmake -f arch\os2\Makefile.icc Makefile.wat: This file must be used with Watcom. It supports PM and fullscreen output alike. To use it, go to your 'test' directory, then type: wmake -f arch\os2\Makefile.wat In addition, the following make targets can be invoked: * clean: Erases all object and library files, only keeping the executables in place. * distclean: Same as 'clean', but also erase executables. For other compilers, please read sections II and III to know how to compile the package on your system. You're welcome to add new makefiles and send them to us, as long as they respect our current location conventions. 3. MS-DOS and clones: We provide two makefiles for the gcc compiler for MS-DOS (emx or djgpp); one for GNU make (Makefile.gcc) and one for dmake ( Note that you may have to set some emx options (usually -acm) in the EMXOPT environment variable to run the test programs compiled with emx. Please read the note relative to makefile.gcc in the OS/2 section above, replacing 'arch/os2' by 'arch/msdos'. There is only a full-screen display driver for MS-DOS. For other compilers, please read sections II and III to know how to compile the package on your system. You're welcome to add new makefiles and send them to us, as long as they respect our current location conventions. `char' is always `signed char' in the sources! 4. Amiga: You will need gcc and GNU make for Amiga to compile the package. Go to the 'test' directory, then type: make -f arch/amigaos/Makefile.gcc The arch/amigaos contains two display drivers (full screen and windowed). The default driver is the windowed one, but this can be changed easily in the makefile. For other compilers, please read sections II and III to know how to compile the package on your system. You're welcome to add new makefiles and send them to us, as long as they respect our current location conventions. -------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Package Layout: Here is a more thorough description of the package's files and layout. # The 'test' directory: Contains the graphics subsystem's common files. gmain.h gmain.c gdriver.h gevents.h where 'gdriver.h' is the interface that must be implemented by all display drivers used by the subsystem. Note that the graphics subsystem is _not_ part of the library, it's just a way we found to display the engine's production on several systems. The platform-specific driver (which means the implementation of "gdriver.h") is found in the architecture-dependent directories of the form: test/arch/ where can be either "msdos", "amiga", "os2", etc. We provide several display driver implementations on some platforms: test/arch/os2/gfs_os2.c - full-screen OS/2 driver test/arch/os2/gpm_os2.c - PM OS/2 driver test/arch/amigaos/gfsamiga.c - full-screen Amiga driver test/arch/amigaos/gw_amiga.c - windowed Aniga driver test/arch/msdos/gfs_dos.c - full-screen DOS driver test/arch/unix/gwin_x11.c - windowed X11 driver You'll need to compile one of these drivers for your system, and link it to the test programs together with the compiled 'gmain.c'. It also contains several test files: common.c -- common subroutines uses by all test programs. This file defines and implement the functions "basename" and "getopt" if they're not provided by your environment. display.c -- a small lib used by several test programs wrapping around the platform specific graphics code. ftview.c -- font viewer fttimer.c -- performance tester ftzoom.c -- simple glyph viewer ftstring.c -- simple string text generation program ftstrpnm.c -- converts a rendered text string into the PBM or PGM graphics file format ftlint.c -- font instruction checker -- console mode only ftdump.c -- simple font dumper -- console mode only fdebug.c -- short debugger; you need to compile ttdebug.c and ttins.c in the c/lib directory with the DEBUG constant defined to use it. Text mode only. Makes sense for development only. Avoid it completely if you don't need to hack the engine. fterror.c -- testing gettext() functionality under UNIX. # The 'lib' directory: Contains the engine's source code. The engine is made of several components, each one having its name beginning with a 'tt' prefix like 'ttmemory', 'ttfile', 'ttraster', etc. All components rely on the 'freetype.h' interface file (which is the engine's interface to be used by all clients), and 'ttconfig.h' (which is used to generate configuration macros). Note that 'ttconfig.h' relies heavily on a file called 'ft_conf.h' that contains information related to the target platform. The ft_conf.h file is generated by the 'configure' script under Unix. For other systems, it is located in the lib/arch// directory: lib/arch/os2/ft_conf.h lib/arch/amigaos/ft_conf.h lib/arch/msdos/ft_conf.h It should be pretty obvious to create a new ft_conf.h file from a current one: just copy it and define/undefine the macros that are relevant to your platform. # The 'lib/extend' directory: This directory contains the current core engine extensions. To know more about extensions, read the user guide found in "docs/user.txt". -------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Detailed Compilation Steps: You must perform the following steps to compile this package by hand: 1. Compile the library: with gcc, go to the 'lib' directory, then type gcc -c tt*.c -I.. gcc -c extend/ftx*.c -I.. -Iextend for Unix systems or gcc -c tt*.c -Iarch/ gcc -c extend/ftx.c for other platforms. stands for '-Wall -ansi -pedantic -O2' for the gcc compiler. The flags mean: -c : compile only -Wall : display all warnings during compilation -ansi : check for ANSI conventions -pedantic : be _very_ pedantic when checking ANSI convention -O : optimization level (this is the letter capital O) -I : add an include dir This line is needed to give access to the directory containing 'ft_conf.h' and the 'extend' directory. 2. Compile the graphics subsystem: a. compile the subsystem in the 'test' dir: gcc -c gmain.c b. compile the display driver in the 'test' dir: gcc -c gwin_x11.c -o gdriver.o for Unixish systems (see note below) or gcc -c arch/system/yourdriver.c -o gdriver.o for other platforms. Of course, don't forget to add the path to your system's display libraries. usually stands for '-Wall -ansi -O2'; '-o' specifies the output name of the ojlect file (here 'gdriver.o'). 3. Compile the test programs in the 'test' directory: Usually with something like: gcc testprogram.c \ ../lib/*.o gmain.o gdriver.o \ -I -I../lib with additional libraries ('\' indicates a line continuation; as in the previous section). Have a look at the supplied makefiles to get a better idea of the required flags/commands. You should now be able to run the test programs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Test programs usage: NOTE: All test programs having a graphic interface use the same key convention: x : fine counter_clockwise rotation (ftzoom only) c : fine clockwise rotation (ftzoom only) v : fast counter_clockwise rotation (ftzoom only) b : fast clockwise rotation (ftzoom only) h : toggle hinting on/off + : fast scale up - : fast scale down u : fine scale up j : fine scale down l : go to next glyph k : go to previous glyph o : go to tenth next glyph i : go to tenth previous glyph 0 : go to hundredth next glyph (useful for CJK fonts) 9 : go to hundredth previous glyph ) : go to thousandth next glyph ( : go to thousandth previous glyph } : go to tenthousandth next glyph { : go to tenthousandth previous glyph q : ESC : exit These keys were chosen because they are available on all platforms. Note also that each program uses only a subset of this key map. 1. FTZOOM: 'ftzoom' is a very simple glyph viewer that supports font smoothing. Its usage is: ftzoom [-g] [-p platformID -e encodingID] fontfilename For example: ftzoom arial.ttf to show the glyphs found in the Arial font ftzoom -g times.ttf to show smoothed version of Times's glyphs. ftzoom -p 3 -e 1 uwjmg3.ttf use cmap for platform ID 3, encoding ID 1 for this Japanese font. 2. FTLINT: FTLint is used to execute all glyphs instructions found in a font file at a given char size size. Its usage is: lint pointsize fontfilename [fontfilename] ... For example: lint 12 arial.ttf lint 15 times.ttf It reports error codes and faulty glyph numbers. This is a console tool that doesn't need the graphics subsystem. Since it is a production tool, don't get surprised to see numerical error codes (the list is in the file 'lib/freetype.h' anyway). NOTE: Trying to hint at sizes smaller than 7 is irrelevant. 3. FTVIEW: A font viewer that supports hinting and font smoothing. Its usage: ftview [-g] pointsize fontfilename like in: ftview 12 arial.ttf show the hinted Arial at size 12pt. ftview -g 15 timesi.ttf show the hinted and font-smoothed Times at size 15pt. Note that it is possible to change the point size during display with the keys 'u', 'j', '+', and '-'. It is also possible to browse the whole glyph set with the 'k', 'l', 'i', 'o', '0', '9', '(', ')', '{', and '}' keys (see key map above). The OS/2 PM driver comes with an additional magnifying window. The magnified zone is set with the mouse, while the scale is changed with the help of 'PageUp' and 'PageDown'. Note 1: the engine uses the font's CVT program to determine at which size to enable or disable glyph hinting. Don't be surprised to see unhinted glyphs at sizes < 7pt. Note 2: vertical drop-out control has been added to the gray scaling renderer. As a consequence, the library doesn't produce unpleasant results at small ppems with badly hinted glyphs. 4. FTTIMER: This program is used to benchmark FreeType's scan-converter (the component in charge of translating a vectorial shape description into a bitmap). It does so in preloading all glyphs from a font file, then rendering them as fast as possible in a 640x450 buffer. The glyphs are rendered at size 400pt / 96dpi, which is _quite_ big. Its usage is: timer [-g] [-v] fontfilename where -g : asks for gray-level rendering at size 200pt instead (a.k.a. font-smoothing) -v : asks for the display of the produced bitmap. Beware that display slows things down (display on X11 is _terrible_, especially with gray-levels, but this is not a problem for us :-). Note that the returned numbers are not a becnhmark of FreeType's overall performance! Only of the scan-line renderer (which seems quite fast, apparently :-). When comparing measured performances across machines, please only consider the undisplayed ones. We're interested in all kinds of results (please provide the following information: font file number of rendered glyphs render time total time glyphs / s processor type CPU clock and which compiler used (with optimization involved)! This can make a great difference! etc.) 5. FTDUMP: This program is a very simple font dumper. In its current incarnation, it will only output a font's name table, character encoding maps IDs and total memory consumption. The "total memory used" reported is the amount that is used by the engine to load one face, with one instance (a point size). Each additional instance takes only a fraction of that amount, and is labeled by "instance object". As you can see, FreeType isn't really greedy. Usage: ftdump fontpathname[.ttf|.ttc] 6. FTSTRING: This program demonstrates string text generation. It only displays a given message on the screen, and lets you resize it with the classic key bindings 'u', 'j', '+', and '-'. Usage: ftstring ptsize fontname[.ttf|.ttc] [message_string] If the message is omitted, it will revert to the classic typographic test sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog which is made of all letters of the English alphabet. Ftstring only works with font files that contain a Unicode character mapping table (either Windows Unicode or Apple Unicode). For the moment, the message can however only be written in ASCII, as accents aren't supported yet. 7. FTSTRPNM: Usage: ftstrpnm [options] filename [string] Options: -g gray-level rendering (default: off) -h hinting off (default: on) -r X resolution X dpi (default: 96) -p X pointsize X pt (default: 12) -b X border X pixels wide (default: 0) This program is quite similar to ftstring but converts the rendered image of the specified string into a bitmap in PBM or PGM format written to stdout; PBM (Portable BitMap) and PGM (Portable GrayMap) formats can be further converted to popular graphics formats like GIF or PNG with the netpbm tool suite available via internet. 8. FTERROR: This program tests the gettext() functionality on UNIX platforms (usually provided in the GNU gettext package). It will return language specific error and warning messages depending on your locale. Currently French and German translations of the FreeType messages are included -- we invite you to contribute more translations. Typically, you have to set the LANGUAGE environment variable to your locale to get localized messages. Example: LANGUAGE=de fterror Note that providing message strings for FreeType's error and warning messages is an extension and not part of the FreeType library itself. Please refer to docs/i18n.txt for further details. --- end of HOWTO ---