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General licenses and terms
for using GNUPro Toolkit
following documentation contains legal licensing terms and conditions applying
to the main components of GNUPro Toolkit. It is not exhaustive. It provides
the terms applying to the main components as well as the notices applying
to the lesser components which we must include. For complete copyright
status and licensing terms of each file in GNUPro Toolkit, see the ‘Copying’
and ‘Copying.lib’ files in
the top level of the binary distribution, and see the ‘src/Copying,’
‘src/Copying.lib,’ and ‘src/COPYING.NEWLIB’
files in the source distribution; also, for the Tcl/Tk tools, see the ‘license.terms’
file in the ‘src/tcl’ and
the ‘src/tk’ directories of
both the binary and source distributions.
See the following documentation
for more specific information regarding licenses, permissions and legal
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