Release Notes, Version 1.14 January 26th, 1999 Ryan Troll Major Changes: Portability / Bug Fixes ####################### Win32 Changes - Removed MFC dependencies Fixed small core leak caused by allocation of data for length 0 strings. (Found by John Taylor ). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes, Version 1.13 Ryan Troll *** SNMP Users Mailing List *** Now that our site is capable of doing so, I've setup a mailing list for users of our SNMP library. To subscribe, send mail to "". In the body of the message: subscribe cmu-snmp-users [your email address] For example, when I subscribed, I sent mail with the following in the body: subscribe cmu-snmp-users *** CVS Repository Available *** As of this version, our src code is available via CVS: cvs -d login the password is "anonymous". The SNMP collection name is "snmp", and our snmpapps collection name is "snmpapps". Major Changes: Portability / Bug Fixes ####################### Added patches by Stepan Skrob to fix an odd uninitialized memory read, and to reorder some includes so that things were defined everywhere. Added patches by Michael Slifcak : * Library no longer calls exit -- always returns error codes. (Affected function: init_mib) * Made a compatibility function for gettimeofday under Win32, instead of having patches all over the place. * No longer force call to WSAStartup and WSACleanup. Leaves this up to the application. However, functions to start / stop winsock are provided (winsock_startup(), winsock_cleanup()). * Now correctly calls closesocket() under WIN32. * New "SingleSession" API. Check out Changes.SingleSession Added Linux RPM generation based on a patch by Nuno Leitao . I won't distribute an RPM, as we don't have any readhat systems around to generate it with. I also do not know what the effects of having our library installed on a system which has the other, snmp-agent including "CMU-SNMP" package installed. The two libraries are different, and if something linked with one tries to use the other, problems may arise. Added load_mib() function, which allows you to specify which MIB to load, rather than relying on the internal logic. Fixed unitialized memory read detected by "Stepan Skrob" . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes, Version 1.12 July 3, 1998 Ryan Troll Major Changes: Portability / Bug Fixes ####################### Installs the supplied mibfile into the dest area. Default mibfile location now also includes the installation area. Fixed manpage generation, so it now generates manpages for the MIB dependant functions as well. Incorporated patch from Glenn Chisholm for myaddress() under WIN32. Removed redundant include in snmp.h that was causing problems with makedepend. (Patch sent in by John L. Taylor ). Check for hex strings is now a little smarter. Win32 include file (libsnmp.h) now supports a new src directory structure, which mirrors our CVS infrastructure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes, Version 1.11 May 22, 1998 Ryan Troll Major Changes: Portability / Bug Fixes ####################### Updated Win32 documentation per Yuval Feller's email. Added patch from Wilfred , to fix parsing of large uptimes (> 2^32-1 miliseconds), and a problem reading default mib files using the wrong read version function. Fix bug found by Jianping Jiang concerning the snmp_api_error function not returning the appropriate strings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes, Version 1.10 May 8, 1998 Ryan Troll Major Changes: Portability / Bug Fixes ####################### Incorporated patches from "Eric C. S. Dynamic" for compilation under FreeBSD. Now decodes NOSUCHOBJECT, NOSUCHINSTANCE, and ENDOFMIBVIEW. Now correctly encodes default errstat, errindex when not using snmp_api calls. SNMP Error messages are more verbose. Install process no longer fails if perl is unavailable. Shared Library ############## This distribution will now by default create a shared library as well as a static library, if your OS handles it. If you do not want to build a shared library, run configure with the --disable-shared flag. If you don't want to build a static library, run configure with the --disable-static flag. Thank the GNU folks for once again making a tricky porting issue simple. Normally, determining what flags should be used for all vendor compilers is a really tricky issue. Via libtool, this is pretty darn simple. Parser ###### I added a new parser. One that everybody will enjoy. The new parser correctly handles all SMIv2 MIBs, and even some SMIv1 stuff. Without any mib modifications. Right now, we are using the MIBs from the following RFCs: rfc1757 rfc1902 rfc1903 rfc1904 rfc1906 rfc1907 rfc2011 rfc2012 rfc2013 rfc2021 rfc2096 rfc2206 rfc2213 rfc2214 rfc2233 rfc2261 rfc2262 rfc2265 without any changes. Our current MIB also includes lots of v2 stuff from Cisco's web site, as well as some of their v1 stuff. All without any original MIB changes. For more information about what MIBs we're using, check out: I'll try to put copies of anything we use there. Parser Compatibility #################### So that most things out there won't break, the old parser is also present in the code. When you call init_mib, it will still correctly load: $MIBFILE mib.txt /etc/mib.txt However, if one of these are present, they get loaded first: $MIBFILE_v2 mib-v2.txt /etc/mib-v2.txt Manpages ######## Manpages are now generated and included in the distribution, rather than requiring the installation site to install them. This will help with sites that do not have Perl, or are not on Unix machines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes, Version 1.9 February 24th, 1998 Ryan Troll Major Changes: Portability / Bug Fixes ####################### Incorporated patches from Glenn Chisholm for compilation on Win32 machines. Added VC++ workspace to create a DLL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes, Version 1.8 Ryan Troll Major Changes: Portability / Bug Fixes ####################### Incorporated patches from Par Westesson and Mats B Pettersson . The description of the patches sent to me: - The SNMPv2 error code definitions in asn1.c have been fixed. [ They were previously listed as Hex values, instead of decimal. ] - The function snmp_var_EncodeVarBind in snmp_vars.c has been modified to be able to encode the exception values noSuchObject, noSuchInstance and endOfMibView. It does so using the definitions added in snmp_vars.h and the function asn_build_exception added in asn1.c. Note that we haven't included support for decoding these exceptions (since we're using the library in an agent rather than a manager). Including support for this would however only require some small changes to the function snmp_var_DecodeVarBind and the addition of an asn_parse_exception function. We also haven't made any changes to the print_type function in mib.c, so these values can't be printed. Otherwise, no other changes to the library should be necessary because of the inclusion of the support for the exceptions. - All calls to the macro ASN_PARSE_ERROR which increments the counter snmpInASNParseErrs have been removed from the functions that encode SNMP packets since it should only be used when decoding. This affects the files snmp_vars.c, snmp_msg.c and snmp_pdu.c. Incorporated patches from Sebastien Rosset ( - Patches that augment Par's changes for noSuchObject, etc. - Fixed a bug when trying to deal with Bulk requests MAX_OID_LEN is now correctly set to 128 subids. Removed bcmp, bzero calls, for Solaris 2.4. Parser now handles description fields that begin with a quote immediately followed by a word, instead of failing. (Thanks to Simon Burr ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes, Version 1.7 October 14, 1997 Ryan Troll Major changes: Portability / Bug Fixes ####################### Incorporated patches for compilation under Visual C++ 4.0 / WinNT. (Thanks to Steven Chew ) It is now possible to compile the Irix version with '-n32', '-32', or '-o32' and have it installed into the appropriate place with the "--with-mips-abi=[n32,o32,32]" flag to configure. (Thanks to Rob Earhart ) Incorporated patch for socket options under Linux. Now sending UDP packets to remote hosts that are unavailable should not hurt anything else. (Thanks to Chaskiel Grundman ) Other ##### The included MIB is now correct, and expanded. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes, Version 1.6 May 27, 1997 Ryan Troll Major changes: Portability / Bug Fixes ####################### Correct use of int/long, so that machines using 64bit longs may use the library. Miniclient function declarations (and others) are now wrapped within the appropriate c++ wrappers. Added timer defines, to allow the library to compile with the Cygnus Win32 compiler. Now handles returns strings that are (supposedly) allocated yet contain no information. Fixed a few calls to asn functions that were passing sizeof(Pointer) rather than sizeof(what pointer points to), which weren't caught when these were the same. (But, on 64 bit machines...) Informs ####### The built-in snmp PDU/Session management now correctly handles SNMP Informs. Parser ###### The parser now accepts two additional pieces of information in a mib: DESCRIPTION and INDEX. It also handles "ACCESS" and "MAX-ACCESS". With these additions, SNMPv2 SMI MIBs can be parsed with minimal changes. (Specificly, with the removal of text conventions, etc.) The included CMU MIB should be a good example. Other ##### Changed some symbol names to static, to help reduce symbol name conflict with applications. Corrected incorrect backwards-compatibility defines. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes, Version 1.5 March 31, 1997 Ryan Troll This SNMP library is based on the SNMP1.1b library that has been available via since September of 1991. Many changes have been made to increase it's performance, clean up memory leaks, and prepare it for use with SNMPv2 managers and agents. This is the last release of the CMU SNMP Library, aside from bug fixes and portability patches. Future SNMP development will be in a new direction. The new CMU SNMP library will be fully object oriented; compatible with SNMPv1, SNMPv2 Classic, and possibly others; and handle SMIv2 MIBs with the use of a MIB Compiler (IE: SMICng). The major changes since CMU SNMP 1.1b are: Autoconf ######## The SNMP Library now uses GNU Autoconf to determine system specific information. Trap and PDU Type Definitions ############################# All well-known traps and PDUs are now defined snmp_pdu.h, and are of the format SNMP_TRAP_${TrapType} and SNMP_PDU_${PDUType}. All defines previously used to specify trap and pdu type should still work. Installation Directories ######################## The library is now installed in $(exec_prefix)/lib, and the include files are installed in $(exec_prefix)/include. Includes ######## Applications now only need to include , instead of all the separate headers required previously. MiniClient ########## This library now contains a mini-client. The miniclient only implements the Get, GetNext, and Set functions. By using the miniclient, SNMP capable applications may be quickly generated. (We use the miniclient for most of our internal monitoring stuff.) Optimizations ############# Various parts of the library have been optimized. The most significant optimization adds 6 bytes to every outgoing packet the length identifiers for the Message, PDU, and Variable List SEQUENCEs are now all encoded in three bytes instead of 1. However, this reduces the number of iterations over the variable list during encoding from 4 to 1. There is also no delayed range shifting of the entire encoded stream to insert a better length. Purify ###### All of the SNMP Applications we've compiled using this library have been purified, and all errors / complaints / warnings have been taken care of. Based on this, we believe the library is free of memory leaks Trap Generation ############### There are no longer routines for trap generation within this library. This may be done by the application. V1 - V2 Coexistance ################### There are two functions (snmp_coexist_V2toV1 and snmp_coexist_V1toV2) that should provide V1-V2 coexistance per RFC 1908. However, these have not been tested. Version ####### The snmp_session structure now contains a variable called "Version". This variable specifies the default version of all incoming / outgoing data for this session.