XmHTML Widget Set

This document is the main index to the XmHTML Widget Set documentation. XmHTML provides a widget capable of displaying HTML 3.2 conforming text.

These pages will be updated regularly as the development of this widget progresses. Keep an eye on them!

The XmHTML Widget Set is unique in its kind: it is the only HTML 3.2 widget set available under the GNU Library General Public License. As such, XmHTML can be used for both commercial and non-commercial applications.

How to get XmHTML

XmHTML is currently in beta, and as such is publically available. The main distribution sites are:

Volunteers for additional distribution sites are welcome.

Table of Contents

  1. XmHTML Widget Set Overview
  2. Description of latest changes
  3. Legal Issues, distribution and licensing
  4. Copyright Notices
  5. XmHTML Widget Set Programmers and Reference Guide
  6. XmHTML Manual Pages

Pointers to other Web related sites:

The full package of these web pages is also available for downloading: XmHTML.html.tar.gz (136826 bytes).

XmHTML Widget Set Overview

The XmHTML Widget Set currently consists of two widgets:

The XmHTML Widget Set also contain a number of routines which allow one to make full use of XmHTML's image support for purposes other than XmHTML.

Plans for the future include the migration of XmHTML's image support into a new XmImageWidget allowing authors to add image support to their applications in an easy manner.

Features missing in the current version of XmHTML are the following:

©Copyright 1996-1997 by Ripley Software Development
Last update: October 7, 1997 by Koen