DIGITAL Fortran 90
User Manual for

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1-1 Sample Main Program
1-2 Sample Main Program that Uses a Module and Separate Function
1-3 Sample Module
1-4 Sample Separate Function Declaration
4-1 Sample Program SQUARES
4-2 Sample Debugging Session Using Program Squares
5-1 Using the -assume dummy_aliases Option
6-1 Aligned Loop
6-2 Transformed Loop Using Code Replication
6-3 Distributed Loop
6-4 Decomposed Loop Using Locks
6-5 Decomposed Loop Using a Reduction Clause
6-6 Code Using Parallel Region
6-7 Code Using Multiple Threads
6-8 Code Using Multiple Processors
6-9 Code Using Shared Variables
6-10 Code Looking at a Shared Variable Value
7-1 C Function Called by USEROPEN Procedure
7-2 DIGITAL Fortran 90 USEROPEN Main Calling Program
8-1 Error Handling OPEN Statement File Name
11-1 Calling C Functions and Passing Integer Arguments
11-2 Calling C Functions and Passing Integer Arguments
11-3 DIGITAL Fortran 90 Program Calling a DIGITAL Fortran 77 Subroutine
11-4 DIGITAL Fortran 77 Subroutine Called by a DIGITAL Fortran 90 Program
11-5 C Functions Called by a DIGITAL Fortran 90 Program
11-6 Calling C Functions and Passing Integer Arguments
11-7 DIGITAL Fortran 90 Program Calling a C Function
11-8 C Interface Function Called by DIGITAL Fortran 90
11-9 Calling C Functions and Passing Complex Arguments
11-10 Calling C Functions and Passing Pointer Arguments
11-11 C Functions Receiving Pointer Arguments
11-12 C Function That Receives an Explicit-Shape Array
11-13 DIGITAL Fortran 90 Program That Passes an Explicit-Shape Array
12-1 Using the 3f Routine shcom_connect
12-2 Using the 3f Routines irand and qsort
C-1 Sample Source Code Listing
C-2 Sample Machine-Code Listing
C-3 Sample Compilation Summary
2-1 f90 Driver Program and Software Components
4-1 Example of the Ladebug Graphical Windowing Interface
5-1 Common Block with Unaligned Data
5-2 Common Block with Naturally Aligned Data
5-3 Common Block with Naturally Aligned Reordered Data
5-4 Derived-Type Naturally Aligned Data (in CATALOG_SPRING : ( ,))
5-5 Memory Diagram of REC for Naturally Aligned Records
7-1 Fixed-Length Records
7-2 Variable-Length Records
7-3 Segmented Records
7-4 Stream File
7-5 Stream_CR and Stream_LF Records
9-1 INTEGER (KIND =1) or INTEGER*1 Representation
9-2 INTEGER (KIND =2) or INTEGER*2 Representation
9-3 INTEGER (KIND =4) or INTEGER*4 Representation
9-4 INTEGER (KIND =8) or INTEGER*8 Representation
9-5 LOGICAL Representations
9-6 REAL (KIND =4) or REAL*4 Representation
9-7 REAL (KIND =8) or REAL*8 Representation
9-8 REAL (KIND =16) or REAL*16 Representation
9-9 COMPLEX (KIND =4) or COMPLEX*8 Representation
9-10 COMPLEX (KIND =8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation
9-11 CHARACTER Data Representation
10-1 Little and Big Endian Storage of an INTEGER Value
10-2 Sample Unformatted File Conversion
A-1 VAX F_float REAL (KIND =4) or REAL*4 Representation
A-2 VAX G_float REAL (KIND =8) or REAL*8 Representation
A-3 VAX D_float REAL (KIND =8) or REAL*8 Representation
A-4 VAX F_float COMPLEX (KIND =4) or COMPLEX*8 Representation
A-5 VAX G_float COMPLEX (KIND =8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation
A-6 VAX D_float COMPLEX (KIND =8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation
A-7 VAX H_float REAL*16 Representation (VAX Systems)
1 Conventions Used in This Document
1-1 Main Tools for Program Development and Testing
2-1 File Suffixes Recognized as Fortran 90 Source Files
2-2 Other File Name Suffixes
2-3 Compiler Limits
2-4 Libraries Automatically Searched When Using the f90 Command
3-1 f90 Command Options and Categories
3-2 Interaction of File Suffix and the -free and -fixed Options on Source Form
3-3 Summary of Floating-Point Exception Command Options
4-1 Summary of Symbol Table Command Options
4-2 Summary of Debugger Commands
5-1 Options Related to Run-Time Performance
5-2 Options that Slow Run-Time Performance
5-3 Output Argument Array Types
5-4 Levels of Optimization with Different -O num Options
6-1 OpenMP Fortran API Compiler Directives
6-2 Initialization Values
6-3 DIGITAL Fortran Parallel Compiler Directives
6-4 OpenMP Fortran API Environment Variables
6-5 DIGITAL Fortran Environment Variables
7-1 Summary of I/O Statements
7-2 Available I/O Statements and Record I/O Forms
7-3 DIGITAL Fortran Record Types
7-4 Preconnected Files and Environment Variables
7-5 OPEN Statement Functions and Specifiers
7-6 Examples of Applying Default Pathnames and File Names
7-7 Implicit DIGITAL Fortran 90 Logical Units
7-8 Allowed Record Access for File Organizations and Record Types
8-1 Severity Levels of Run-Time Messages
8-2 Run-Time Error Messages and Explanations
9-1 DIGITAL Fortran 90 Intrinsic Data Types, Storage, and Numeric Ranges
9-2 Exceptional Floating-Point Numbers
10-1 Unformatted Numeric Formats, Keywords, and Supported Data Types
11-1 Calling Conventions for ATTRIBUTES Options
11-2 C Property and External Names
11-3 C Property and Argument Passing
11-4 DIGITAL Fortran 90 and C Data Types
12-1 Language Interface 3f Library Routines
12-2 3f Library Routines Providing Special Functions
12-3 DIGITAL Fortran 90 3f Functions and Subroutines
12-4 DIGITAL Fortran 90 3hpf HPF_LOCAL_LIBRARY Library Routines
A-1 Summary of Language Compatibility
A-2 Equivalent Record Types for OpenVMS Fortran and DIGITAL Fortran 90 on DIGITAL UNIX Systems
B-1 Compile-Time Environment Variable
B-2 Run-Time Environment Variables
D-1 Operator and Intrinsic Initialization Values

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