DIGITAL Fortran 90
User Manual for

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D.1.15 THREADPRIVATE Directive

The THREADPRIVATE directive makes named common blocks private to a thread but global within the thread.

The THREADPRIVATE directive takes the following form:

  • c$OMP THREADPRIVATE(/cb/[,/cb/]...)


Is one of the following: C (or c), !, or * (see Chapter 6).

Rules and Restrictions for the THREADPRIVATE Directive

cb is the name of the common block you want made private to a thread. Each thread gets its own copy of the common block, so data written to the common block by one thread is not directly visible to other threads.

During serial portions and MASTER sections of the program, accesses are to the master thread copy of the common block. On entry to the first parallel region, data in the THREADPRIVATE common blocks should be assumed to be undefined unless a COPYIN clause is specified on the PARALLEL directive.

When a common block (which is initialized using DATA statements) appears in a THREADPRIVATE directive, each thread copy is initialized once prior to its first use. For subsequent parallel regions, data in THREADPRIVATE common blocks are guaranteed to persist only if the dynamic threads mechanism has been disabled and if the number of threads are the same for all the parallel regions.

The following restrictions apply to the THREADPRIVATE directive:


In the following example, the common blocks BLK1 and FIELDS are specified as thread private:


D.2 DIGITAL Fortran Parallel Compiler Directives

The set of DIGITAL Fortran Parallel Compiler Directives allows you to specify the actions to be taken by the compiler and run-time system to execute a DIGITAL Fortran program in parallel.

For information about the directive format, refer to Chapter 6.

D.2.1 BARRIER Directive

The BARRIER directive is the same as the OpenMP Fortran API BARRIER directive (see Section D.1.2).

D.2.2 CHUNK Directive

The CHUNK directive sets a default chunksize to adjust the number of iterations assigned to a thread. The effect of CHUNK varies, depending on the scheduling type.

A CHUNK directive takes the following form:

  • c$CHUNK
= chunksize


Is one of the following: C (or c), !, or * (see Chapter 6).


Is a scalar integer expression.

The effect of chunksize varies by scheduling type, as follows:


The chunksize used for any parallel DO loop can be determined from the following prioritized list. The available value closest to the top of the list is used:

D.2.3 COPYIN Directive

The COPYIN directive specifies that the values of the listed data objects be copied from the master thread to the PRIVATE data objects of the same name in slave threads.

A COPYIN directive takes the following form:

  • c$COPYIN
object[, object]...


Is one of the following: C (or c), !, or * (see Chapter 6).


Is one of the following:

  • variable-name
  • single-array-element
  • /common-block-name/

Rules and Restrictions for the COPYIN Directive

Single array elements can be copied, but array sections cannot.

SHARED variables cannot be copied.

When an ALLOCATABLE array is to be copied, it must be allocated when the COPYIN directive is encountered.

COPYIN directives are permitted only within one of the following constructs:



This directive specifies that a and b , the entire contents of common block X, and the i th element of c be copied from the master thread to the PRIVATE data objects of the same name.

D.2.4 CRITICAL SECTION Directive Construct

The CRITICAL SECTION directive restricts access to the enclosed code to only one thread at a time.

A CRITICAL SECTION directive takes the following form:

  • c$PAR CRITICAL SECTION [(latch-var)]
  • code


Is one of the following: C (or c), !, or * (see Chapter 6).


Is a naturally aligned INTEGER(4) or INTEGER(8) SHARED variable.

Using an explicit latch variable allows the program to control whether multiple critical sections have unique latches or use the same latch. When the CRITICAL SECTION directive is used without an explicit latch variable, the compiler supplies a unique latch for each critical section.

Rules and Restrictions for CRITICAL SECTION and END CRITICAL SECTION Directives

Critical sections can appear anywhere an executable DIGITAL Fortran statement can appear.

If a latch variable name is specified, the program must explicitly initialize the latch variable to 0 (zero) before any CRITICAL SECTION using that latch variable is executed.

A thread waits at the beginning of a critical section until no other thread in the team is executing a critical section having the same latch variable name. When the thread that is executing the critical section reaches the END CRITICAL SECTION directive, the latch variable is set to 1 (one), allowing another thread to enter the critical section.

The program must not reuse that latch variable in anything other than a CRITICAL SECTION until all uses as a latch variable are complete.

All unnamed critical sections map to the same latch variable name supplied by the compiler. Critical section latch variable names are global to the program.

D.2.5 INSTANCE Directive Construct

The INSTANCE directive specifies the availability of named common blocks.

The INSTANCE directive takes the following form:

    • SINGLE


Is one of the following: C (or c), !, or * (see Chapter 6).

D.2.6 MP_SCHEDTYPE Directive

The MP_SCHEDTYPE directive sets a default run-time scheduling type. The scheduling type does not effect the semantics of the program, but may affect performance.

A MP_SCHEDTYPE directive takes the following form:

= mode


Is one of the following: C (or c), !, or * (see Chapter 6).


Is one of the following:

  • GSS

Rules and Restrictions for the MP_SCHEDTYPE Directive

The MP_SCHEDTYPE directive can appear anywhere in a DIGITAL Fortran program. When more than one MP_SCHEDTYPE directive appears in the same program, the most recently encountered directive is used.


The scheduling type used for any parallel DO loop can be determined from the following prioritized list. The available value closest to the top of the list is used:

The DYNAMIC and GUIDED scheduling types introduce a certain amount of overhead to manage the continuing assignment of iterations to threads during the execution of the loop. However, this overhead is sometimes offset by better load balancing when the average execution time of iterations is not uniform throughout the DO loop.

The STATIC and INTERLEAVED types assign all of the iterations to the threads in advance, with each thread receiving approximately equal numbers of iterations. One of these is usually the most efficient scheduling type when the average execution time of iterations is uniform throughout the DO loop.

For details on default chunksize and the effect of specifying chunksizes for the same program in more than one context, see Section D.2.2.

D.2.7 PARALLEL Directive Construct

The PARALLEL directive construct is the same as the OpenMP Fortran API PARALLEL directive construct (see Section D.1.10) with the following exceptions:

D.2.8 PARALLEL DO Directive Construct

The PARALLEL DO directive is the same as the OpenMP Fortran API PARALLEL DO directive (see Section D.1.11) with the following exception:

D.2.9 PARALLEL SECTIONS Directive Construct

The PARALLEL SECTIONS directive is the same as the OpenMP Fortran API PARALLEL SECTIONS directive (see Section D.1.12)

D.2.10 PDO Directive Construct

The PDO directive specifies that the iterations of the immediately following DO loop must be executed in parallel. The loop that follows a PDO directive cannot be a DO WHILE or a DO loop without loop control. The iterations of the DO loop are distributed across the already existing threads.

A PDO directive takes the following form:

  • c$PAR PDO [pdo-option[[,] pdo-option]...]
  • do_loop


Is one of the following: C (or c), !, or * (see Chapter 6).


Is one of the following:

  • BLOCKED (chunksize)
  • CHUNK (chunksize)
  • FIRSTPRIVATE (var[[,] var]...)
  • LASTLOCAL (var[[,] var]...)
  • LAST LOCAL (var[[,] var]...)
  • LOCAL (var[[,] var]...)
  • [MP_SCHEDTYPE =] mode
  • PRIVATE (var[[,] var]...)
  • REDUCTION (var[[,] var]...)

Rules and Restrictions for PDO and END PDO Directives

There are several ways of specifying a scheduling type. The scheduling type defaults to STATIC when no other information is available. For detailed information on scheduling type defaults, see Section D.2.6.

PDO directives are permitted only within the lexical extent of the PARALLEL and END PARALLEL directives.

For more information about rules and restrictions, refer to Chapter 6. Note that the restrictions referring to a single SCHEDULE and ORDERED clause do not apply.

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