DIGITAL Fortran 90
User Manual for

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A.2 Compatibility with DIGITAL Fortran 77 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems

This section provides compatibility information for those porting DIGITAL Fortran 77 applications from DIGITAL UNIX systems. It discusses the following topics:

A.2.1 Major Language Features for Compatibility with DIGITAL Fortran 77 for Digital UNIX Systems

On Digital UNIX systems, to simplify porting applications from DIGITAL Fortran 77 to DIGITAL Fortran 90, DIGITAL Fortran 90 Version 5.n supports the following DIGITAL Fortran 77 extensions that are not part of the Fortran 90 standard:

In addition to language extensions, DIGITAL Fortran 90 Version 5.n also supports the following DIGITAL Fortran 77 features:

For More Information:

On the DIGITAL Fortran 90 language, see the DIGITAL Fortran Language Reference Manual.

A.2.2 Language Features Provided Only by DIGITAL Fortran 77 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems

This section lists DIGITAL Fortran 77 extensions to the FORTRAN-77 standard that are not included in DIGITAL Fortran 90 Version 5.n for DIGITAL UNIX Systems. Where appropriate, this list indicates equivalent DIGITAL Fortran 90 language features.

DIGITAL Fortran 90 conforms to the Fortran 90 standard, which is a superset of the FORTRAN-77 standard. DIGITAL Fortran 90 provides many but not all of the FORTRAN-77 extensions provided by DIGITAL Fortran 77.

The following FORTRAN-77 extensions provided by DIGITAL Fortran 77 on Digital UNIX systems are not provided by DIGITAL Fortran 90 in Version 5.n:

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A.2.3 Improved DIGITAL Fortran 90 Compiler Diagnostic Detection

The following language features are detected or interpreted differently by DIGITAL Fortran 90 Version 5.n and DIGITAL Fortran 77:

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