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This chapter contains the following sections:
- 2.1, "Registering Your Software License"
- 2.2, "Checking the Software Distribution Kit"
- 2.3, "Time Requirements and Login Privileges"
- 2.4, "Hardware Requirements"
- 2.5, "Software Requirements"
- 2.6, "Determining Which Compaq Fortran Subsets to Load"
- 2.7, "Determining Disk Space Requirements"
- 2.8, "Installing from Media or Using Remote Installation Service (RIS)"
- 2.9, "Backing Up Your System Disk"
- 2.10, "Stopping the Installation"
- 2.11, "Recovering from Installation Errors"
2.1 Registering Your Software License
Compaq Fortran includes support for the License Management Facility (LMF). You must register your License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) in the License Database (LDB) in order to use Compaq Fortran on a newly-licensed node. The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order.If you are installing Compaq Fortran as an update on a node already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements.
To register a license for Compaq Tru64 UNIX, follow these steps:
For complete information on using the License Management Facility, see the Compaq Tru64 UNIX Software License Management and the lmf(8) reference page.
- Log in as superuser.
- At the superuser prompt, enter the following command to edit your License PAK:
# lmf register
- An empty PAK template is displayed in a text editor (vi by default). Enter all the information from your License PAK form.
- After you register your license, use the following command to copy the license details from the LDB to the kernel cache:
# lmf resetNote that CXML does not require a separate license.
2.2 Checking the Software Distribution Kit
Use the Parts List to check the contents of your Tru64 UNIX Software Product Library CD-ROM software distribution kit. The software distribution kit is ordered separately from Compaq Fortran and includes the following:If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your Compaq representative.
- One or more CD-ROM optical disks containing Tru64 UNIX layered products (media CD-ROM set)
- A CD-ROM read first letter
2.3 Time Requirements and Login Privileges
Installing Compaq Fortran, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your system configuration.You must have superuser privileges to install the Compaq Fortran software and to register the license PAK.
2.4 Hardware Requirements
To install Compaq Fortran, you need the following hardware:For additional hardware requirements, see the Compaq Fortran Software Product Description (SPD).
- Software distribution device (if installing from media)
- Locate an available drive for the CD-ROM software distribution media. The documentation for the CD-ROM drive you are using explains how to insert the media CD-ROM.
- Terminal
- You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure.
2.5 Software Requirements
Compaq Fortran Version 5.4 requires Version 4.0 (or later) of the Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system. Use of parallel features requires Version 4.0D (or later) of the Compaq Tru64 UNIX system. Use of NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) features requires Version 5.1 (or later) of the Compaq Tru64 UNIX system.Future releases of Compaq Fortran might require higher Compaq Tru64 UNIX versions. For information about the minimum version of the operating system required, see the Release Notes or the cover letter. (See Section 1.2, "Reading the Release Notes and Cover Letter".)
Compaq Fortran also requires that the following Compaq Tru64 UNIX subsets be loaded on the system where you install Compaq Fortran:
To install the Compaq Fortran reference pages (manual pages), the following Compaq Tru64 UNIX software subsets must already be installed on your system:
- OSFBASE - the "Base System" subset
- OSFCMPLRS - the "Compiler Back End" subset, which consists of the following multiple subsets:
- OSFCMPLRS (required for program development)
- OSFSDE (profiling tools)
- OSFLIBA (archive libraries)
- OSFINCLUDE (include files)
- OSFATOM (atom tools)
- Some of these subsets may require a separate license. For more information, see the Tru64 UNIX Installation Guide for your version of the Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system.
- OSFPGMR - the "Software Development Environment" subset
To check whether these subsets are loaded, follow these steps:
- OSFMANOS - the "Admin/User" online manual pages
- OSFMANOP - the "Programming" online manual pages
- OSFDCMT - the document preparation software
Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset and any related patches. The word "installed" appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded.
- Log in to the system where you will install Compaq Fortran.
- Enter the following command:
- If you do not log in as superuser (login name root), you must enter the full path of the command. For example:
# /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep OSFBASEIf the word "installed" does not appear (that is, the second column in a row is blank), the subset or patch is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing Compaq Tru64 UNIX software before installing Compaq Fortran. (For information on how to load Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system software, see the Compaq Tru64 UNIX Installation Guide.)
2.6 Determining Which Compaq Fortran Subsets to Load
You must choose the Compaq Fortran subsets you want to load. Table 2-1 indicates which subsets are required or recommended for each compiler. (Both compilers are installed.)The subsets starting with XMD are part of the Compaq Extended Math Library (CXML).
Table 2-1 Required and Recommended Subsets for Compaq Fortran Compilers Subset Name Compaq Fortran 95/90 Compaq Fortran 77 DFABASE Required Required DFACOM Required Required DFADOC Recommended Recommended DFARTL Required Required OTABASE Required Not used HPFLIBS Required Not used XMDCOM Recommended Recommended XMDLIB4, XMDLIB5, XMDLIB61 Recommended Recommended XMDSCI Recommended Recommended XMDMAN Recommended Recommended XMDHTM Recommended Recommended
1 Typically, a user installs only one of the XMDLIB subsets. (See Section 2.6.8, "XMDLIB4nnn, XMDLIB5nnn, XMDLIB6nnn Subsets".)
In the subset identifiers starting with DFA, the nnn represents the version number of Compaq Fortran. In the subset identifier DFARTLnnn and HPFLIBSnnn, the nnn represents the current version of those subsets. For a list of the current subset numbers, read the Release Notes. (See Section 1.2, "Reading the Release Notes and Cover Letter".)
Some of these subsets are also included on the Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system CD-ROM distribution media (see the Compaq Tru64 UNIX Installation Guide).
For information about loading specific subsets, see the setld(8) reference page.
The subsets are described in the following sections.
2.6.1 DFABASEnnn Subset
Subset title: Compaq Fortran 95/90 and 77 Vn.n for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems.This the primary subset for Compaq Fortran and requires DFARTLnnn and HPFLIBSnnn. You must install this subset to compile, link, and run Fortran programs using either Compaq Fortran 95/90 or Compaq Fortran 77 programs.
This subset installs its files in the following directories:
/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90 /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort /usr/lib/cmplrs /usr/bin /usrThe directory /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90 is a symbolic link to the following directory:/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90_nnnThe directory /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort is a symbolic link to the following directory:/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort_nnn2.6.2 DFACOMnnn Subset
Subset title: Compaq Fortran Vn.n Tools & Their Man Pages.If disk space is a concern, you can omit installing this subset.
- All unformatted Section 3f reference pages
- All include files (such as /usr/include/foriosdef.f)
- Certain Compaq Fortran utilities and their reference pages (such as fsplit)
- Libraries required by certain 3f library routines
This subset and its files are used by both Compaq Fortran 95/90 (f90 command) and Compaq Fortran 77 (f77 command).
This subset installs its files in the following directories:
/usr/bin /usr/include /usr/lib /usr/shlib /usr/man/man1 /usr/man/man32.6.3 DFADOCnnn Subset
Subset title: Compaq Fortran Vn.n Release Notes and Man Page.Because the Release Notes and the f90(1) and f77(1) reference pages must be available to programmers using Compaq Fortran, you should load this subset.
- The online Release Notes for Compaq Fortran
- The f90(1) reference page
- The f77(1) reference page
- A list of files in the Compaq Fortran kit (file /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90/filelist)
To view these files before proceeding with the Compaq Fortran installation, you can choose to install this subset first.
This subset installs its files in the following directories:
/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90 /usr/lib/cmplrs/fortThe directory /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90 is a symbolic link (for Compaq Fortran 95/90 files) to the following directory:/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90_nnnThe directory /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort is a symbolic link (for Compaq Fortran 77 files) to the following directory:/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort_nnnBecause the DFACOMnnn and DFADOCnnn subsets contain reference pages, you can load them only if the appropriate Compaq Tru64 UNIX reference pages subsets are already loaded on your system. (See Section 2.5, "Software Requirements".)
2.6.4 DFARTLnnn Subset
Subset title: Compaq Fortran RTL #nnn for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Alpha Systems (f90 and f77).This subset supports both Compaq Fortran 95/90 and Compaq Fortran 77 and contains:
This subset (or a higher version) is a prerequisite for the DFABASEnnn subset. Always choose this subset if it appears in your menu and if you are also installing DFABASEnnn.During the Compaq Fortran installation procedure, if you choose DFARTLnnn, it will not be installed if your system already has a more recent version.
This subset installs files in the following directories:
/usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1 /usr/lib/cmplrs/fortrtl /usr/lib/cmplrs /usr/lib /usr/shlibThe directory /usr/lib/cmplrs/fortrtl is a symbolic link to the following directory:/usr/lib/cmplrs/fortrtl_nnn2.6.5 OTABASEnnn Subset
Subset title: Compaq Compiled Code Support Library.This subset contains libraries required to support parallel directives. The subset installs its files in the following directories:
/usr/lib/cmplrs /usr/lib/cmplrs/o3abase_nnn /usr/shlibIf a newer version of these libraries already exists on your system, the installation procedure will not override them.2.6.6 HPFLIBSnnn Subset
Subset title: High Performance Fortran Run-Time Libraries.
- Both the serial and parallel versions of the High Performance Fortran (HPF) run-time library
- Associated reference pages for HPF_LIBRARY and HPF_LOCAL_LIBRARY, including intro(3hpf)
This subset installs its files in the following directories:
- You must install the HPFLIBSnnn subset to compile, link, and run Fortran programs using Compaq Fortran that reference any HPF* routines.
- If you previously installed the PSESHPF subset and need to delete it, delete it before you install Compaq Fortran. If you delete the PSESHPF subset after you install the Compaq Fortran HPFLIBS subset, you need to reinstall the HPFLIBS subset. For information on using setld to check for and delete subsets, see Section 4.2, "How to Delete Compaq Fortran from Your System".
/usr/examples/hpf /usr/lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl_nnn /usr/lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl /usr/lib /usr/shlib /usr/man/man3The directory /usr/lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl is a symbolic link to the following directory:/usr/lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl_nnn2.6.7 XMDCOMnnn Subset
Subset title: CXML Common Files for the Extended Math Library.The Compaq Extended Math Library (CXML) is a collection of high performance subprograms that perform different types of mathematical operations, including:
To use CXML, users typically include calls to CXML entry points in their application programs, then link the application program with the serial or parallel CXML library, and execute. The CXML routines are primarily called from Fortran or C, but can be called from any language.
- Matrix computations
- Signal processing code
- Code to solve sparse linear systems using direct and iterative methods
This subset contains common material needed by the CXML XMDLIB subsets described in Section 2.6.8, "XMDLIB4nnn, XMDLIB5nnn, XMDLIB6nnn Subsets". This subset provides release notes, example programs, header files that user programs must include, Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) tests, and other supporting CXML utilities.
This subset installs its files in the following directories:
/usr/examples/cxml /usr/opt/XMDCOMnnn/docs /usr/opt/XMDCOMnnn/cxml /usr/opt/XMDCOMnnn/ivp2.6.8 XMDLIB4nnn, XMDLIB5nnn, XMDLIB6nnn Subsets
Subset titles: CXML Extended Math Libraries (Serial and Parallel) for EV4, EV5, EV6.These three subsets contain the CXML libraries, specially tuned for one family of Alpha processors (21064, 21164, 21264).
Typically, you choose to install only one of these subsets, but you can install any number of them.
Each subset contains both the serial and the parallel CXML libraries:
The parallel version of the CXML library supports symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) for improved performance. The parallel CXML library achieves its parallelization using OpenMP. Key BLAS, LAPACK, FFT routines, and sparse and iterative solver routines in the CXML library have been modified to execute in parallel if run on SMP hardware.
- Serial library in archive and shared library form (libcxml.a, libcxml.so)
- Parallel library in archive and shared library form (libcxmlp.a, libcxmlp.so)
Each subset installs its libraries in the following directory:
/usr/opt/XMDLIBxnnn2.6.9 XMDSCInnn Subset
Subset title: CXML SCIPORT library.This subset contains the SCIPORT Cray compatibility library (libsciport.a) and the SCIPORT man pages. After linking with the SCIPORT library, your Fortran program must link in the CXML library (either serial or parallel). For example:
f90 -i8 -r8 -double_size 128 myprog.f -lsciport -lcxmlpThe common subset XMDCOM and at least one of the CXML library subsets (XMDLIB4, XMDLIB5, or XMDLIB6) must be installed in addition to XMDSCI.This subset installs its files in the following directories:
/usr/opt/XMDSCInnn/cxml /usr/opt/XMDSCInnn/ivp /usr/opt/XMDSCInnn/man /usr/opt/XMDSCInnn2.6.10 XMDMANnnn Subset
Subset title: CXML Reference (man) Pages.This subset contains the reference pages (man pages) for CXML.
This subset installs its files in the following directory:
/usr/opt/XMDMANnnn/man2.6.11 XMDHTMnnn Subset
Subset title: CXML Reference (man) Pages in HTML format.This subset contains the reference pages (man pages) for CXML in HTML format.
This subset installs its files in:
/usr/opt/XMDHTMnnn/cxml_webpagesThese pages are accessible at the following Web location:/usr/opt/XMDHTMnnn/cxml_webpages/cxml_home_page.html2.6.12 Reference Pages and nfs Mounting
Users on the system where Compaq Fortran is being installed can use reference pages that are nfs mounted from another system. If so, consider loading the reference pages subsets only on the other system (not the system where you are installing Compaq Fortran).When reference pages are nfs mounted on another system, do not request the DFACOMnnn and DFADOCnnn subsets during the Compaq Fortran installation. After the installation is complete, you can log in to the system where the reference pages are installed and load only the Compaq Fortran DFACOMnnn and DFADOCnnn subsets on that system.
2.7 Determining Disk Space Requirements
Table 2-2 lists the disk space requirements for loading Compaq Fortran software subsets. These disk space requirements are approximate; the values apply to the disks where you load the Compaq Fortran subsets. The disk space requirements are listed by directory, in case you are doing installations on systems where these directories are mount points for different disk partitions.Using these disk space requirements, total the values for the subsets you will load in each directory.
Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where Compaq Fortran files will reside.
If you need precise information on the sizes of individual Compaq Fortran files in the various directories, view one of the following files:
2.7.1 Checking Current Disk Space
To check the current amount of free space for a directory path, log in to the system where you will install Compaq Fortran. You can check which directories are mounted and where they are by viewing the /etc/fstab file. For example:# more /etc/fstab /dev/rd0a:/:rw:1:1:ufs:: /dev/rd0g:/usr:rw:1:2:ufs:: /usr/staff/r1/leslie@bigsys:/usr/staff/r1/leslie:rw:0:0:nfs:bg: /usr/man@bigsys:/usr/man:ro:0:0:nfs:bg:This display shows the following:To check total space and free space for the directories where Compaq Fortran files will reside, enter the df command. In the case of the previous display of the /etc/fstab file, which shows that only /usr is a mount point, you need to check free space only in the
- /usr (mounted to /dev/rd0g) is the only mount point that affects where Compaq Fortran files will reside.
- The system has only one local disk drive.
- The /usr/lib and /usr/lib/cmplrs file systems reside in the g partition of the disk on that drive.
/usr file system. You can do so as follows:# df /usr Filesystem Total kbytes kbytes % node kbytes used free used Mounted on /dev/rd0g 122598 54447 55892 49% /usrThe device names shown in this section are for Tru64 UNIX Version 4 systems. For Tru64 UNIX Version 5 systems, the device names might be different.This display indicates there are 55892 Kbytes free. This free space must accommodate the subset requirements listed in Table 2-2.
On systems where /usr/lib and /usr/man are mounted to devices different from /usr, enter the following command:
# df /usr/lib /usr/manIn this case, you would:
- Compare space required for Compaq Fortran files in /usr/lib with the free space displayed in the first line of the df output list.
- Compare the space required for Compaq Fortran files in /usr/man with the free space displayed in the second line of that list.
2.7.2 Increasing Disk Space by Using Alternative Disks
The Compaq Fortran installation procedure creates some directories and loads files into subordinate directories, as listed in either of the following files:/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90/filelist /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort/filelistIf the /usr/lib/cmplrs directory does not exist, the Compaq Fortran installation procedure creates it. If this directory does exist, the installation procedure uses it.If you find that there is insufficient disk space for the Compaq Fortran subsets and if you know that there is additional space on other disks or disk partitions for your system, take the following steps before installing Compaq Fortran:
- Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install Compaq Fortran.
- Create one or both of the appropriate directories:
- /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90_nnn
- This is a symbolic link to the following directory: /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90_nnn
- /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort_nnn
- This is a symbolic link to the following directory: /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort_nnn
- In these directory names, nnn is the Compaq Fortran version number.
- Specify in the /etc/fstab file that one or more of the newly created directories are mount points to new disk partitions where there is additional space.
- Enter the mount -a command so that the new mount points take effect.
2.8 Installing from Media or Using Remote Installation Service (RIS)
Someone from your site must perform at least one Compaq Fortran installation from the distribution medium. Your site system administrator can then decide whether or not to make a Compaq Fortran distribution kit available online, so that subsequent installations of Compaq Fortran can use the Remote Installation Service (RIS).For information on extracting Compaq Fortran subsets to a RIS distribution area, see your Compaq Tru64 UNIX system management documentation.
If you expect to use Compaq Fortran subsets from a RIS area of a remote system for installation on your local system, first check with your site system administrator to ensure the following:
For information on installing Compaq Fortran from a RIS distribution area, see Section 3.2, "How to Install Your Kit Remotely Using a Remote Installation Service (RIS) Distribution Area".2.9 Backing Up Your System Disk
Compaq recommends that you back up your system disk before installing Compaq Fortran or any software. Use the backup procedures established at your site. For information about backing up your system disk, see the Compaq Tru64 UNIX system documentation.2.10 Stopping the Installation
To stop the installation procedure at any time, enter Ctrl/C. You must then delete files created interactively up to that point. The directories and files created during the Compaq Fortran installation are listed in the following files:/usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90/filelist /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort/filelist2.11 Recovering from Installation Errors
If errors occur during the installation, the system displays error messages. For example, if the installation of the DFABASEnnn subset fails due to insufficient disk space, the installation procedure displays the following message:There is not enough space for subset DFABASEnnn Compaq Fortran (DFABASEnnn) will not be loaded.Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist:For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the Compaq Tru64 UNIX documentation on system messages and software installation. If any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action described in the message.
- The operating system version is incorrect.
- The prerequisite software version is incorrect.
- The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient.
For information on requirements for installing Compaq Fortran, see Section 2.5, "Software Requirements".
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