United States    
allocator (3C++std) - Tru64 UNIX
Standard C++ Library
Copyright 1996, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.


  allocator - The default allocator object for storage management in Standard
  Library containers.


  #include <memory>
  template <class T>
  class allocator;


  Containers in the Standard Library allow you control of storage management
  through the use of allocator objects.  Each container has an allocator
  template parameter specifying the type of allocator to be used.  Every
  constructor, except the copy constructor, provides an allocator parameter,
  allowing you to pass in a specific allocator.  A container uses that
  allocator for all storage management.

  The library provides a default allocator, called allocator.  This allocator
  uses the global new and delete operators.  By default, all containers use
  this allocator.  You can also design your own allocator, but if you do so
  it must provide an appropriate interface.  The standard interface and an
  alternate interface are specified below.  The alternate interface works on
  all supported compilers.


  As of this writing, very few compilers support the full range of features
  needed by the standard allocator.  If your compiler does not support member
  templates, both classes and functions, then you must use the alternate
  allocator interface we provide.  This alternate interface requires no
  special features of a compiler and offers most of the functionality of the
  standard allocator interface.  The only thing missing is the ability to use
  special pointer and reference types.  The alternate allocator fixes these
  as T* and T&.  If your compiler supports partial specialization, then even
  this restriction is removed.

  From outside a container, use of the alternate allocator is transparent.
  Simply pass the allocator as a template or function parameter exactly as
  you would pass the standard allocator.

  Within a container, the alternate allocator interface is more complicated
  to use because it requires two separate classes, rather than one class with
  another class nested inside.  If you plan to write your own containers and
  need to use the alternate allocator interface, we recommend that you
  support the default interface as well, since that is the only way to ensure
  long-term portability.  See the User's Guide section on building containers
  for an explanation of how to support both the standard and the alternate
  allocator interfaces.

  A generic allocator must be able to allocate space for objects of arbitrary
  type, and it must be able to construct those objects on that space.  For
  this reason, the allocator must be type aware, but it must be aware on any
  arbitrary number of different types, since there is no way to predict the
  storage needs of any given container.

  Consider an ordinary template.  Although you may be able to instantiate on
  any fixed number of types, the resulting object is aware of only those
  types and any other types that can be built up from them (T*, for
  instance), as well as any types you specify up front. This won't work for
  an allocator, because you can't make any assumptions about the types a
  container will need to construct.  It may well need to construct Ts (or it
  may not), but it may also need to allocate node objects and other data
  structures necessary to manage the contents of the container.  Clearly
  there is no way to predict what an arbitrary container might need to
  construct.  As with everything else within the Standard Library, it is
  absolutely essential to be fully generic.

  The Standard allocator interface solves the problem with member templates.
  The precise type you are going to construct is not specified when you
  create an allocator, but when you actually go to allocate space or
  construct an object on existing space.  This clever solution is well ahead
  of nearly all existing compiler implementations.

  Rogue Wave's alternate allocator interface uses a different technique.  The
  alternate interface breaks the allocator into two pieces:  an interface and
  an implementation.  The implementation is a simple class providing raw un-
  typed storage.  Anything can be constructed on it.  The interface is a
  template class containing a pointer to an implementation.  The interface
  template types the raw memory provided by the implementation based on the
  template parameter. Only the implementation object is passed into a
  container.  The container constructs interface objects as necessary, using
  the provided implementation to manage the storage of data.

  Since all interface objects use the one copy of the implementation object
  to allocate space, that one implementation object manages all storage
  acquisition for the container.  The container makes calls to the
  allocator_interface objects in the same way it would make calls to a
  standard allocator object.

  For example, if your container needs to allocate T objects and node
  objects, you need to have two allocator_interface objects in your

  allocator_interface<Allocator,T> value_allocator;
  allocator_interface<Allocator,node> node_allocator; You then use the
  value_allocator for all allocation, construction, etc. of values (Ts), and
  use the node_allocator object to allocate and deallocate nodes.

  The only significant drawback is the inability to provide special pointer
  types and alter the behavior of the construct and destroy functions
  provided by an allocator, since these must reside in the interface class.
  If your compiler provides partial specialization then this restriction goes
  away, since you can provide specialized interfaces along with your


  template <class T>
  class allocator {
   typedef size_t            size_type;
   typedef ptrdiff_t         difference_type;
   typedef T*                pointer;
   typedef const T*          const_pointer;
   typedef T&                reference;
   typedef const T&          const_reference;
   typedef T                 value_type;

   template <class U> struct rebind;
   allocator () throw();
   template <class U> allocator(const allocator<U>&) throw();
   template <class U>
     allocator& operator=(const allocator<U>&) throw();
    ~allocator () throw();
   pointer  address (reference) const;
   const_pointer address (const_reference) const;
   pointer allocate (size_type,
      typename allocator<void> const_pointer = 0);
   void deallocate(pointer);
   size_type max_size () const;
   void construct (pointer, const T&);
   void destroy (pointer);

  // specialize for void:
   template <> class allocator<void> {
     typedef size_t      size_type;
     typedef ptrdiff_t   difference_type;
     typedef void*       pointer;
     typedef const void* const_pointer;
      //  reference-to-void members are impossible.
     typedef void  value_type;
     template <class U>
       struct rebind { typedef allocator<U> other; };

     allocator() throw();
     template <class U>
       allocator(const allocator<U>&) throw();
     template <class U>
       allocator operator=(const allocator<U>&) throw();
     ~allocator() throw();

     pointer allocate(size_type, const void* hint);
     void deallocate(pointer p);
     size_type max_size() const throw();

  // globals
  template <class T>
   void* operator new(size_t N, allocator<T>& a);
  template <class T, class U>
   bool operator==(const allocator<T>&,
                   const allocator<U>&) throw();
  template <class T, class U>
   bool operator!=(const allocator<T>&,
                   const allocator<U>&) throw();


     Type used to hold the size of an allocated block of storage.

     Type used to hold values representing distances between storage

     Type of pointer returned by allocator.

     Const version of pointer.

     Type of reference to allocated objects.

     Const version of reference.

     Type of allocated object.

  template <class U> struct rebind;
     Provides a way to convert an allocator templated on one type to an
     allocator templated on another type.  This struct contains a single type
     member:  typedef allocator<U> other.


     Default constructor.

  template <class U>
  allocator(const allocator<U>&)
     Copy constructor.

  template <class U>
  allocator& operator=(const allocator<U>&) throw()>&)
     Assignment operator.


  pointer address(reference x) const;
     Returns the address of the reference x as a pointer.

  const_pointer address(const_reference x) const;
     Returns the address of the reference x as a const_pointer.

  pointer allocate(size_type n,
     typename allocator<void>::const_pointer p = 0)
        Allocates storage.  Returns a pointer to the first element in a block
        of storage n*sizeof(T) bytes in size.  The block will be aligned
        appropriately for objects of type T.  Throws the exception bad_alloc
        if the storage is unavailable.  This function uses operator
        new(size_t).  The second parameter p can be used by an allocator to
        localize memory allocation, but the default allocator does not use

  void deallocate(pointer p)
     Deallocates the storage indicated by p.  The storage must have been
     obtained by a call to allocate.

  size_type max_size () const;
     Returns the largest size for which a call to allocate might succeed.

  void construct (pointer p, const T& val);
     Constructs an object of type T2 with the initial value of val at the
     location specified by p.  This function calls the placement new

  void destroy (pointer p)
     Calls the destructor on the object pointed to by p, but does not delete.


  class allocator
  typedef size_t               size_type ;
  typedef ptrdiff_t            difference_type ;
  allocator ();
    ~allocator (); .
  void * allocate (size_type, void * = 0);
  void deallocate (void*);
  template <class Allocator,class T>
  class allocator_interface  .
    typedef Allocator        allocator_type ;
    typedef T*               pointer ; .
    typedef const T*         const_pointer ;
    typedef T&               reference ; .
    typedef const T&         const_reference ;
    typedef T                value_type ; .
    typedef typename Allocator::size_type    size_type ;
    typedef typename Allocator::size_type    difference_type ;

    allocator_type*     alloc_;

    allocator_interface ();
    allocator_interface (Allocator*);
    void alloc (Allocator*);
    pointer address (T& x);
    size_type max_size () const;
    pointer allocate (size_type, pointer = 0);
    void deallocate (pointer);
    void construct (pointer, const T&);
    void destroy (T*);
  // Specialization
  class allocator_interface <allocator,void>
  typedef void*                 pointer ;
  typedef const void*           const_pointer ;


  The description for the operations of allocator_interface<T> are generally
  the same as for corresponding operations of the standard allocator.  The
  exception is that allocator_interface members allocate and deallocate call
  respective functions in allocator , which are in turn implemented like the
  standard allocator functions.

  See the container section of the Class Reference for a further description
  of how to use the alternate allocator within a user-defined container.




  ANSI X3J16/ISO WG21 Joint C++ Committee


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