Threshold Management Commands
Threshold management commands can be executed when a threshold is crossed.
Performance Manager provides the following threshold management commands. To
execute one, from the main window's Execute menu choose Threshold Management,
then one of the following commands:
- SendFax
- This script faxes a message created from the threshold environmental
variables to the specified phone number. This script relies on a properly
configured and functioning version of HylaFAX ; see source distribution and build
information. The script was tested with hylafax-v3.0pl1. This script relies on
the hylafax environmental variables being set.
- SendPage
- This script will send a message based on the threshold environmental
variables to the specified pager phone number. This script assumes that you
have a properly configured and functioning version of HylaFAX .
See for source distribution and build
information. The script was tested with hylafax-v3.0pl1. This script relies on
the hylafax environmental variables being set. The pager of HylaFAX does not
appear to work with the SkyTel SkyPage service.
- SendMail
- This script will mail a threshold message read from the threshold
environmental variables to the user specified on the command line. If no user
is specified the message will be mailed to root.
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