Secure Global Desktop 4.40 Administration Guide
> SGD Servers, Arrays, and Load Balancing
> Introducing the SGD Web Server
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You must have a web server running on each host on which Secure Global Desktop is installed. When you install Secure Global Desktop, Secure Global Desktop Setup also installs the SGD Web Server. The SGD Web Server is a web server that has been pre-configured for use with Secure Global Desktop. It consists of the following components:
Note The Apache web server includes all the standard Apache modules as shared objects.
If you have an existing web server on the Secure Global Desktop host, this is not affected by the SGD Web Server, as the SGD Web Server listens on a different port.
You can configure the SGD Web Server using standard Apache directives, see the Apache documentation for details.
You control the SGD Web Server independently of the Secure Global Desktop server,
using the tarantella webserver
By default, the SGD Web Server is configured to be a secure (HTTPS) web server and share the server certificate used for Secure Global Desktop security services. See how to enable secure connections.
Every web server in an array of SGD servers must use the same HTTP or HTTPS port. You must not mix HTTP and HTTPS web servers in the same SGD array.
Once you enable secure connections to a web server, the URL in the client profile must be re-configured to an HTTPS URL.
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