- access privileges
- Export, 1-5
- Import, 2-5
- Advanced Queuing
- exporting advanced queue tables, 1-58
- importing advanced queue tables, 2-61
- aliases
- directory
- exporting, 1-57
- importing, 2-59
- analyzer statistics, 2-68
- ANYDATA type
- effect on table-mode import, 2-13
- APPEND parameter
- for SQL*Loader utility, 5-38
- append to table
- example, 10-11
- SQL*Loader, 5-33
- archiving
- disabling
- effect on direct path loads, 9-20
- arrays
- committing after insert, 2-19
- atomic null, 7-7
- attributes
- null, 7-6
- attribute-value constructor, 7-8
- attribute-value constructors
- overriding, 7-8
- backslash escape character, 5-6
- backups
- restoring dropped snapshots
- Import, 2-64
- Backus-Naur Form syntax
- See syntax diagrams
- bad files
- specifying for SQL*Loader, 5-11
- BAD parameter
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-3
- BADDN parameter
- for SQL*Loader utility, 5-12
- BADFILE parameter
- for SQL*Loader utility, 5-12
- BEGINDATA parameter
- for SQL*Loader control file, 5-10
- BFILE columns
- exporting, 1-57
- importing, 2-59
- BFILE datatype, 7-22
- big endian data
- external tables, 12-7
- bind arrays
- determining size of for SQL*Loader, 5-45
- minimizing SQL*Loader memory requirements, 5-49
- minimum requirements, 5-44
- size with multiple SQL*Loader INTO TABLE statements, 5-50
- specifying maximum size, 4-4
- specifying number of rows, 4-12
- SQL*Loader performance implications, 5-44
- BINDSIZE parameter
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-4, 5-45
- blanks
- loading fields consisting of blanks, 6-41
- SQL*Loader BLANKS parameter for field comparison, 6-31
- trailing, 6-27
- trimming, 6-42
- external tables, 12-19
- whitespace, 6-42
- BLANKS parameter
- for SQL*Loader utility, 6-31
- See syntax diagrams
- bound fillers, 6-6
- BUFFER parameter
- for Export utility, 1-16
- for Import utility, 2-18
- buffers
- calculating for export, 1-17
- space required by
- VARCHAR data in SQL*Loader, 6-13
- specifying with SQL*Loader BINDSIZE parameter, 5-45
- byte order, 6-37
- big endian, 6-37
- little endian, 6-37
- specifying in SQL*Loader control file, 6-38
- byte order marks, 6-39
- precedence
- for first primary datafile, 6-39
- for LOBFILEs and SDFs, 6-40
- suppressing checks for, 6-41
- BYTEINT datatype, 6-10
- BYTEORDER parameter
- for SQL*Loader utility, 6-38
- for SQL*Loader utility, 6-41
- cached sequence numbers
- Export, 1-56
- case studies
- SQL*Loader, 10-1
- SQL*Loader filenames, 10-4
- See also SQL*Loader
- catalog.sql script
- preparing database for Export, 1-3
- preparing database for Import, 2-5
- catexp.sql script
- preparing database for Export, 1-3
- preparing database for Import, 2-5
- catldr.sql script
- preparing for direct path loads, 9-10
- changing a database ID, 14-2
- changing a database name, 14-4
- CHAR columns
- version 6 export files, 2-71
- CHAR datatype
- delimited form and SQL*Loader, 6-24
- reference
- SQL*Loader, 6-15
- character datatypes
- conflicting fields, 6-28
- character fields
- delimiters and SQL*Loader, 6-15, 6-24
- determining length for SQL*Loader, 6-28
- SQL*Loader datatypes, 6-15
- character sets
- conversion
- during Export/Import, 1-54, 2-54
- eight-bit to seven-bit conversions
- Export/Import, 1-54, 2-55
- identifying for external tables, 12-7
- multibyte
- SQL*Loader, 5-17
- single-byte
- Export/Import, 1-54, 2-55
- SQL*Loader control file, 5-21
- SQL*Loader conversion between, 5-16
- Unicode, 5-17, 10-47
- version 6 conversions
- Import/Export, 2-56
- character strings
- external tables
- specifying bytes or characters, 12-8
- SQL*Loader, 6-32
- character-length semantics, 5-22
- CHARACTERSET parameter
- for SQL*Loader utility, 5-20
- CHARSET parameter
- for Import utility, 2-18
- check constraints
- overriding disabling of, 9-26
- example, 10-38
- collections, 3-13
- loading, 7-29
- column array rows
- specifying number of, 9-21
- column objects
- loading, 7-1
- with user-defined constructors, 7-8
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-4
- columns
- exporting LONG datatypes, 1-56
- loading REF columns, 7-15
- naming
- SQL*Loader, 6-5
- objects
- loading nested column objects, 7-4
- stream record format, 7-2
- variable record format, 7-3
- reordering before Import, 2-8
- setting to a constant value with SQL*Loader, 6-55
- setting to a unique sequence number with SQL*Loader, 6-57
- setting to an expression value with SQL*Loader, 6-56
- setting to null with SQL*Loader, 6-55
- setting to the current date with SQL*Loader, 6-56
- setting to the datafile record number with SQL*Loader, 6-56
- specifying
- SQL*Loader, 6-5
- specifying as PIECED
- SQL*Loader, 9-16
- using SQL*Loader, 6-56
- command-line parameters
- Export, 1-13
- Import, 2-14
- specifying in SQL*Loader control file, 5-4
- SQL*Loader, 4-1
- comments
- in Export parameter file, 1-7
- in Import parameter file, 2-12
- in SQL*Loader control file, 10-12
- with external tables, 12-2
- COMMIT parameter
- for Import utility, 2-19
- COMPILE parameter
- for Import utility, 2-19
- completion messages
- Export, 1-49
- Import, 2-46
- COMPRESS parameter
- for Export utility, 1-17
- CONCATENATE parameter
- for SQL*Loader utility, 5-27
- concurrent conventional path loads, 9-30
- connect strings
- Oracle Net, 1-53
- CONSISTENT parameter
- for Export utility, 1-18
- nested tables and, 1-18
- partitioned table and, 1-18
- consolidating
- extents, 1-17
- CONSTANT parameter
- SQL*Loader, 6-55
- constraints
- automatic integrity and SQL*Loader, 9-27
- direct path load, 9-25
- disabling referential constraints, 2-8
- enabling
- after a parallel direct path load, 9-34
- enforced on a direct load, 9-25
- failed
- Import, 2-48
- load method, 9-10
- preventing Import errors due to uniqueness constraints, 2-19
- CONSTRAINTS parameter
- for Export utility, 1-20
- for Import utility, 2-20
- constructors
- attribute-value, 7-8
- overriding, 7-8
- user-defined, 7-8
- loading column objects with, 7-8
- CONTINUEIF parameter
- example, 10-15
- for SQL*Loader utility, 5-27
- control files
- character sets, 5-21
- creating
- guidelines, 3-3
- data definition language syntax, 5-2
- specifying data, 5-10
- specifying SQL*Loader discard file, 5-14
- CONTROL parameter
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-4
- conventional path Export
- compared to direct path, 1-50
- conventional path loads
- behavior when discontinued, 5-24
- compared to direct path loads, 9-9
- concurrent, 9-31
- of a single partition, 9-4
- SQL*Loader bind array, 5-44
- when to use, 9-4
- conversion of character sets
- during Export/Import, 1-54
- effect of character set sorting on, 1-54
- conversion of data
- during direct path loads, 9-6
- conversion of input characters, 5-19
- CREATE SESSION privilege
- Export, 1-4
- Import, 2-5
- CREATE USER command
- Import, 2-71
- creating
- tables
- manually, 2-8
- data
- delimiter marks in data and SQL*Loader, 6-26
- distinguishing different input formats for SQL*Loader, 5-39
- distinguishing different input row object subtypes, 5-39, 5-41
- exporting, 1-27
- formatted data and SQL*Loader, 10-28
- generating unique values with SQL*Loader, 6-57
- including in control files, 5-10
- loading data contained in the SQL*Loader control file, 6-55
- loading in sections
- SQL*Loader, 9-16
- loading into more than one table
- SQL*Loader, 5-39
- maximum length of delimited data for SQL*Loader, 6-27
- moving between operating systems using SQL*Loader, 6-36
- saving in a direct path load, 9-13
- saving rows
- SQL*Loader, 9-20
- unsorted
- SQL*Loader, 9-18
- values optimized for SQL*Loader performance, 6-55
- data conversion
- direct path load, 9-6
- data fields
- specifying the SQL*Loader datatype, 6-7
- DATA parameter
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-5
- data path loads
- direct and conventional, 9-1
- data recovery
- direct path load
- SQL*Loader, 9-15
- database ID (DBID)
- changing, 14-2
- database identifier
- changing, 14-2
- database migration
- partitioning of, 1-60
- database name (DBNAME)
- changing, 14-4
- database objects
- exporting LONG columns, 1-56
- extracting metadata of, 15-1
- databases
- changing the database ID, 14-2
- changing the name, 14-4
- exporting entire, 1-23
- full import, 2-22
- privileges for exporting, 1-4
- reducing fragmentation, 2-53
- reusing existing datafiles
- Import, 2-20
- datafiles
- preventing overwrite during import, 2-20
- reusing during import, 2-20
- specifying, 4-5
- specifying buffering for SQL*Loader, 5-11
- specifying for SQL*Loader, 5-7
- specifying format for SQL*Loader, 5-11
- DATAFILES parameter
- for Import utility, 2-20
- datatypes
- Export, 1-57
- Import, 2-59
- BYTEINT, 6-10
- CHAR, 6-15
- conflicting character datatype fields, 6-28
- converting SQL*Loader, 6-22
- DATE, 6-16
- datetime, 6-16
- DECIMAL, 6-11
- default in SQL*Loader, 6-7
- describing for external table fields, 12-24
- determining character field lengths for SQL*Loader, 6-28
- determining DATE length, 6-29
- DOUBLE, 6-10
- FLOAT, 6-10
- GRAPHIC, 6-18
- identifying for external tables, 12-21
- INTEGER (n), 6-8
- interval, 6-16
- length-value, 6-7
- Export, 1-56
- Import, 2-61
- native
- conflicting length specifications in SQL*Loader, 6-21
- nonportable, 6-8
- nonscalar, 7-6
- SQL*Loader, 6-23
- numeric EXTERNAL, 6-19
- portable, 6-14
- RAW, 6-20
- specifying the SQL*Loader datatype of a data field, 6-7
- value, 6-7
- VARCHAR, 6-13
- SQL*Loader, 6-23
- VARCHARC, 6-20
- VARRAW, 6-14
- VARRAWC, 6-21
- ZONED, 6-10
- date cache
- DATE_CACHE parameter, 4-5
- external tables, 11-6
- date cache feature
- SQL*Loader, 9-22
- DATE datatype
- delimited form and SQL*Loader, 6-24
- determining length, 6-29
- mask
- SQL*Loader, 6-29
- SQL*Loader, 6-16
- DATE_CACHE parameter
- for SQL*Loader utility, 4-5
- datetime datatypes, 6-16
- DB2 load utility
- placement of statements
- restricted capabilities of SQL*Loader, B-3
- RESUME parameter, 5-33
- SQL*Loader compatibility
- ignored statements, B-2
- DBA role
- DBCS (DB2 double-byte character set)
- not supported by Oracle, B-4
- DBID (database identifier)
- changing, 14-2
- DBMS_METADATA package, 15-4
- browsing interface, 15-10
- programmatic interface, 15-4
- security, 15-4
- using to implement Metadata API, 15-4
- changing, 14-4
- DBNEWID utility, 14-1
- changing a database ID, 14-2
- changing a database name, 14-4
- examples, 14-9
- restrictions, 14-8
- reverting a stalled change operation, 14-6
- syntax, 14-7
- troubleshooting a database ID change, 14-5
- troubleshooting a database name change, 14-6
- DBVERIFY utility
- output, 13-3
- restrictions, 13-1
- syntax, 13-2
- validating a segment, 13-4
- validating disk blocks, 13-2
- DECIMAL datatype, 6-11
- EXTERNAL format
- SQL*Loader, 6-19
- DEFAULT column values
- Oracle version 6 export files, 2-71
- DEFAULTIF parameter
- SQL*Loader, 6-29
- DELETE ANY TABLE privilege
- SQL*Loader, 5-34
- effect on loading nonempty tables, 5-34
- SQL*Loader, 5-34
- DELETE privilege
- SQL*Loader, 5-33
- delimited data
- maximum length for SQL*Loader, 6-27
- delimited fields
- field length, 6-28
- delimited LOBs, 7-26
- delimiters
- in external tables, 12-6
- initial and trailing example, 10-28
- loading trailing blanks, 6-27
- marks in data and SQL*Loader, 6-26
- specifying for external tables, 12-16
- specifying for SQL*Loader, 5-36, 6-24
- SQL*Loader enclosure, 6-45
- SQL*Loader field specifications, 6-45
- termination, 6-46
- DESTROY parameter
- for Import utility, 2-20
- DIRECT parameter
- for Export utility, 1-20
- direct path Export, 1-50, 1-52
- compared to conventional path, 1-50
- effect of EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY privilege, 1-52
- performance issues, 1-53
- security considerations, 1-52
- direct path load
- advantages, 9-8
- behavior when discontinued, 5-24
- choosing sort order
- SQL*Loader, 9-19
- compared to conventional path load, 9-9
- concurrent, 9-31
- conditions for use, 9-8
- data saves, 9-13, 9-20
- DIRECT command-line parameter
- SQL*Loader, 9-11
- dropping indexes, 9-24
- effect of disabling archiving, 9-20
- effect of PRIMARY KEY constraints, 9-35
- effect of UNIQUE KEY constraints, 9-35
- example, 10-24
- field defaults, 9-10
- improper sorting
- SQL*Loader, 9-18
- indexes, 9-11
- instance recovery, 9-15
- intersegment concurrency, 9-31
- intrasegment concurrency, 9-31
- loading into synonyms, 9-10
- location of data conversion, 9-6
- media recovery, 9-15
- optimizing on multiple-CPU systems, 9-23
- partitioned load
- SQL*Loader, 9-30
- performance, 9-11, 9-17
- preallocating storage, 9-17
- presorting data, 9-18
- recovery, 9-15
- ROWS command-line parameter, 9-14
- setting up, 9-10
- specifying, 9-11
- specifying number of rows to be read, 4-12
- SQL*Loader data loading method, 3-12
- table insert triggers, 9-27
- temporary segment storage requirements, 9-12
- triggers, 9-25
- using, 9-9, 9-10
- version requirements, 9-9
- directory aliases
- exporting, 1-57
- importing, 2-59
- discard files
- DB2 load utility, B-3
- SQL*Loader, 5-14
- example, 10-15
- specifying a maximum, 5-15
- DISCARD parameter
- for SQL*Loader command-line, 4-6
- DISCARDDN parameter
- in DB2 control file, B-3
- discarded SQL*Loader records, 3-10
- causes, 5-15
- discard file, 5-14
- limiting, 5-16
- DISCARDMAX parameter
- for SQL*Loader command-line, 4-6
- DISCARDS parameter
- in DB2 control file, B-3
- discontinued loads, 5-24
- continuing, 5-26
- conventional path behavior, 5-24
- direct path behavior, 5-24
- DOUBLE datatype, 6-10
- dropped snapshots
- Import, 2-64
- dump files
- maximum size, 1-21
- EBCDIC character set
- Import, 2-55
- eight-bit character set support, 1-54, 2-55
- enclosed fields
- specified with enclosure delimiters and SQL*Loader, 6-25
- whitespace, 6-49
- enclosure delimiters, 6-24
- SQL*Loader, 6-25, 6-45
- errors
- caused by tab characters in SQL*Loader data, 6-4
- export log file, 1-23
- generated by DB2 load utility, B-3
- Import, 2-45
- Import resource errors, 2-49
- LONG data, 2-48
- nonrecoverable
- Export, 1-49
- Import, 2-46
- object creation, 2-48
- Import parameter IGNORE, 2-23
- recoverable
- Export, 1-48
- Import, 2-46
- row errors during import, 2-47
- warning
- Export, 1-48
- Import, 2-46
- ERRORS parameter
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-6
- escape character
- quoted strings, 5-6
- usage in Export, 1-29
- usage in Import, 2-30
- exit codes
- Export, 1-49
- Import, 2-47
- SQL*Loader, 4-16
- assigning in Export, 1-4
- expdat.dmp
- Export output file, 1-20
- Export
- BUFFER parameter, 1-16
- COMPRESS parameter, 1-17
- CONSISTENT parameter, 1-18
- CONSTRAINTS parameter, 1-20
- conventional path, 1-50
- conversion of character sets, 1-54
- creating
- necessary privileges, 1-4
- necessary views, 1-4
- creating version 7 export files, 1-62
- database optimizer statistics, 1-27
- DIRECT parameter, 1-20
- direct path, 1-50
- displaying online help, 1-23
- eight-bit versus seven-bit character sets, 1-54
- example sessions, 1-32
- full database mode, 1-33
- partition-level, 1-41
- table mode, 1-38
- user mode, 1-36
- exit codes, 1-49
- exporting an entire database, 1-23
- exporting indexes, 1-23
- exporting sequence numbers, 1-56
- exporting synonyms, 1-58
- exporting to another operating system, 1-26, 2-25
- FEEDBACK parameter, 1-20
- FILE parameter, 1-20
- FILESIZE parameter, 1-21
- FLASHBACK_SCN parameter, 1-22
- FLASHBACK_TIME parameter, 1-22
- full database mode
- example, 1-33
- FULL parameter, 1-23
- GRANTS parameter, 1-23
- HELP parameter, 1-23
- INDEXES parameter, 1-23
- interactive method, 1-43
- invoking, 1-5
- log files
- specifying, 1-23
- LOG parameter, 1-23
- logging error messages, 1-23
- LONG columns, 1-56
- modes
- objects exported by each, 1-8
- network issues, 1-53
- OBJECT_CONSISTENT parameter, 1-24
- online help, 1-13
- OWNER parameter, 1-24
- parameter conflicts, 1-32
- parameter file, 1-24
- maximum size, 1-7
- parameters, 1-13
- PARFILE parameter, 1-24
- partitioning a database migration, 1-60
- QUERY parameter, 1-24
- RECORDLENGTH parameter, 1-26
- redirecting output to a log file, 1-48
- remote operation, 1-53, 2-54
- restrictions based on privileges, 1-5
- RESUMABLE parameter, 1-26
- RESUMABLE_NAME parameter, 1-26
- RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT parameter, 1-27
- ROWS parameter, 1-27
- sequence numbers, 1-56
- STATISTICS parameter, 1-27
- storage requirements, 1-4
- table mode
- example session, 1-38
- table name restrictions, 1-30
- TABLES parameter, 1-28
- TABLESPACES parameter, 1-30
- transferring export files across a network, 1-53
- TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE parameter, 1-31
- TRIGGERS parameter, 1-31
- TTS_FULL_CHECK parameter, 1-31
- user access privileges, 1-4
- user mode
- example session, 1-36
- specifying, 1-24
- USERID parameter, 1-31
- VOLSIZE parameter, 1-32
- export file
- importing the entire file, 2-22
- listing contents before importing, 2-27
- specifying, 1-20
- Export messages
- completion, 1-49
- nonrecoverable, 1-49
- warning, 1-48
- exporting
- from read-only databases, 1-60
- EXPRESSION parameter
- SQL*Loader, 6-56
- extents
- consolidating, 1-17
- importing consolidated, 2-66
- external files
- exporting, 1-57
- external LOBs (BFILEs), 7-22
- EXTERNAL parameter
- SQL*Loader, 6-20
- EXTERNAL SQL*Loader datatypes, 6-19
- DECIMAL, 6-19
- FLOAT, 6-19
- GRAPHIC, 6-19
- numeric, 6-19
- determining length, 6-28
- ZONED, 6-19
- external tables
- access parameters, 12-1
- big endian data, 12-7
- datatypes, 12-24
- date cache feature, 11-6
- delimiters, 12-6
- describing datatype of a field, 12-24
- differences in load behavior from SQL*Loader, 11-7
- field_definitions clause, 12-3, 12-15
- fixed-length records, 12-4
- identifying character sets, 12-7
- identifying datatypes, 12-21
- improving performance when using, 11-6
- date cache feature, 11-6
- little endian data, 12-7
- record_format_info clause, 12-2, 12-3
- restrictions, 11-3
- setting a field to a default value, 12-31
- setting a field to null, 12-31
- skipping records when loading data, 12-10
- specifying delimiters, 12-16
- specifying load conditions, 12-8
- trimming blanks, 12-19
- using comments, 12-2
- using constructor functions with, 11-5
- using to load data, 11-5
- variable-length records, 12-5
- fatal errors
- See nonrecoverable errors
- features, new, xliii
- FEEDBACK parameter
- for Export utility, 1-20
- for Import utility, 2-21
- field conditions
- specifying for SQL*Loader, 6-29
- field length
- SQL*Loader specifications, 6-45
- field location
- SQL*Loader, 6-3
- fields
- character data length and SQL*Loader, 6-28
- comparing to literals with SQL*Loader, 6-32
- delimited
- determining length, 6-28
- SQL*Loader, 6-24
- enclosed and SQL*Loader, 6-25
- loading all blanks, 6-41
- predetermined size
- length, 6-28
- SQL*Loader, 6-45
- relative positioning and SQL*Loader, 6-46
- specified with a termination delimiter and SQL*Loader, 6-25
- specified with enclosure delimiters and SQL*Loader, 6-25
- specifying default delimiters for SQL*Loader, 5-36
- specifying for SQL*Loader, 6-5
- SQL*Loader delimited
- specifications, 6-45
- terminated and SQL*Loader, 6-25
- FIELDS clause
- SQL*Loader, 5-36
- terminated by whitespace, 6-48
- FILE parameter
- for Export utility, 1-20
- for Import utility, 2-21
- for SQL*Loader utility, 9-33
- filenames
- quotation marks, 5-6
- specifying multiple SQL*Loader, 5-9
- SQL*Loader, 5-5
- SQL*Loader bad file, 5-11
- FILESIZE parameter
- for Export utility, 1-21
- for Import utility, 2-21
- FILLER field
- example, 10-39
- using as argument to init_spec, 6-6
- fine-grained access support
- Export, 1-59
- Import, 2-56
- fixed record length
- example, 10-34
- fixed-format records, 3-4
- fixed-length records
- external tables, 12-4
- FLASHBACK_SCN parameter
- for Export utility, 1-22
- FLASHBACK_TIME parameter
- for Export utility, 1-22
- FLOAT datatype, 6-9
- EXTERNAL format
- SQL*Loader, 6-19
- FLOAT EXTERNAL data values
- SQL*Loader, 6-20
- foreign function libraries
- exporting, 1-56
- importing, 2-60
- FORMAT statement in DB2
- not allowed by SQL*Loader, B-3
- formats
- SQL*Loader input records and, 5-40
- formatting errors
- SQL*Loader, 5-12
- fragmentation
- reducing, 2-53
- FROMUSER parameter
- for Import utility, 2-22
- using to transport Export files, 1-53
- full database mode
- Export, 1-8
- Import, 2-22
- specifying with FULL, 1-23
- FULL parameter
- for Export utility, 1-23
- for Import utility, 2-22
- globalization
- SQL*Loader, 5-16
- grants
- exporting, 1-23
- importing, 2-7, 2-23
- GRANTS parameter
- for Export utility, 1-23
- for Import utility, 2-22
- GRAPHIC datatype
- EXTERNAL format in SQL*Loader, 6-19
- HELP parameter
- for Export utility, 1-13, 1-23
- for Import utility, 2-23
- hexadecimal strings
- SQL*Loader, 6-32
- IGNORE parameter
- for Import utility, 2-23
- Import
- BUFFER parameter, 2-18
- catexp.sql script
- preparing the database, 2-5
- character set conversion, 2-55
- character sets, 2-55
- CHARSET parameter, 2-18
- COMMIT parameter, 2-19
- committing after array insert, 2-19
- compatibility with other versions, 2-3
- COMPILE parameter, 2-19
- consolidated extents, 2-66
- CONSTRAINTS parameter, 2-20
- controlling size of rollback segments, 2-19
- conversion of version 6 CHAR columns to VARCHAR2, 2-71
- creating an index-creation SQL script, 2-24
- database optimizer statistics, 2-28
- DATAFILES parameter, 2-20
- DESTROY parameter, 2-20
- disabling referential constraints, 2-8
- displaying online help, 2-23
- dropping a tablespace, 2-67
- errors importing database objects, 2-48
- example sessions, 2-34
- all tables from one user to another, 2-37
- selected tables for specific user, 2-35
- tables exported by another user, 2-36
- using partition-level import, 2-38
- exit codes, 2-47
- export file
- importing the entire file, 2-22
- listing contents before import, 2-27
- failed integrity constraints, 2-48
- FEEDBACK parameter, 2-21
- FILE parameter, 2-21
- FILESIZE parameter, 2-21
- FROMUSER parameter, 2-22
- FULL parameter, 2-22
- globalization considerations, 2-54
- grants
- specifying for import, 2-22
- GRANTS parameter, 2-22
- HELP parameter, 2-23
- IGNORE parameter, 2-23
- importing grants, 2-22
- importing objects into other schemas, 2-7
- importing rows, 2-27
- importing tables, 2-29
- INDEXES parameter, 2-24
- INDEXFILE parameter, 2-24
- INSERT errors, 2-48
- interactive method, 2-44
- invalid data, 2-48
- invoking, 2-10
- at the command line, 2-10
- interactively, 2-10
- with a parameter file, 2-11
- length of Oracle version 6 export file DEFAULT columns, 2-71
- LOG parameter, 2-25
- LONG columns, 2-61
- manually creating tables before import, 2-8
- manually ordering tables, 2-9
- message log file, 2-46
- modes, 2-13
- NLS_LANG environment variable, 2-55
- object creation errors, 2-23
- OPTIMAL storage parameter, 2-66
- parameter file, 2-25
- maximum size, 2-11
- parameters, 2-14
- PARFILE parameter, 2-25
- partition-level, 2-49
- pattern matching of table names, 2-29
- preparing the database, 2-5
- preserving size of initial extent, 2-66
- read-only tablespaces, 2-66
- RECORDLENGTH parameter, 2-25
- records
- specifying length, 2-25
- redirecting output to a log file, 2-46
- reducing database fragmentation, 2-53
- refresh error, 2-63
- reorganizing tablespace during, 2-67
- resource errors, 2-49
- restrictions
- importing into own schema, 2-6
- RESUMABLE parameter, 2-26
- RESUMABLE_NAME parameter, 2-26
- RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT parameter, 2-26
- reusing existing datafiles, 2-20
- rows
- specifying for import, 2-27
- ROWS parameter, 2-27
- schema objects, 2-7
- sequences, 2-49
- SHOW parameter, 2-27
- single-byte character sets, 2-55
- SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES parameter, 2-27
- snapshot master table, 2-63
- snapshots, 2-63
- restoring dropped, 2-64
- specifying by user, 2-22
- specifying index creation commands, 2-24
- specifying the export file, 2-21
- STATISTICS parameter, 2-27
- storage parameters
- overriding, 2-66
- stored functions, 2-60
- stored packages, 2-60
- stored procedures, 2-60
- system objects, 2-7
- table name restrictions, 2-31
- table objects
- import order, 2-3
- table-level, 2-49
- TABLES parameter, 2-29
- TABLESPACES parameter, 2-31
- TOID_NOVALIDATE parameter, 2-31
- TOUSER parameter, 2-32
- TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE parameter, 2-33
- TTS_OWNER parameter, 2-33
- types of errors during, 2-47
- uniqueness constraints
- preventing import errors, 2-19
- user definitions, 2-71
- USERID parameter, 2-33
- using Oracle version 6 files, 2-71
- VOLSIZE parameter, 2-34
- warning messages, 2-46
- index options
- SORTED INDEXES with SQL*Loader, 5-38
- SQL*Loader SINGLEROW parameter, 5-38
- Index Unusable state
- indexes left in Index Unusable state, 5-26, 9-12
- indexes
- creating manually, 2-24
- direct path load
- left in direct load state, 9-12
- dropping
- SQL*Loader, 9-24
- estimating storage requirements, 9-12
- exporting, 1-23
- importing, 2-24
- index-creation commands
- Import, 2-24
- left in unusable state, 5-26, 9-18
- multiple-column
- SQL*Loader, 9-19
- presorting data
- SQL*Loader, 9-18
- skipping maintenance, 4-14, 9-24
- skipping unusable, 2-27, 4-14, 9-24
- SQL*Loader, 5-38
- state after discontinued load, 5-26
- unique, 2-24
- INDEXES parameter
- for Export utility, 1-23
- for Import utility, 2-24
- INDEXFILE parameter
- for Import utility, 2-24
- INFILE parameter
- for SQL*Loader utility, 5-7
- insert errors
- Import, 2-48
- specifying, 4-6
- INSERT into table
- SQL*Loader, 5-33
- instance affinity
- Export, 1-55
- instance recovery, 9-15
- INTEGER datatype, 6-8
- EXTERNAL format, 6-19
- integrity constraints
- disabled during direct path load, 9-25
- enabled during direct path load, 9-25
- failed on Import, 2-48
- load method, 9-10
- interactive method
- Export, 1-43
- Import, 2-44
- internal LOBs
- loading, 7-19
- interrupted loads, 5-24
- interval datatypes, 6-16
- INTO TABLE statement
- effect on bind array size, 5-50
- multiple statements with SQL*Loader, 5-39
- SQL*Loader, 5-31
- column names, 6-5
- discards, 5-15
- invalid data
- Import, 2-48
- invalid objects
- warning messages during import, 2-46
- invoking
- Export, 1-5
- as SYSDBA, 1-7
- at the command line, 1-5
- direct path, 1-52
- interactively, 1-6
- with a parameter file, 1-6
- Import, 2-10
- as SYSDBA, 2-12
- at the command line, 2-10
- interactively, 2-10
- with a parameter file, 2-11
- key values
- generating with SQL*Loader, 6-57
- leading whitespace
- definition, 6-44
- trimming and SQL*Loader, 6-47
- length indicator
- determining size, 5-47
- length subfield
- SQL*Loader, 6-13
- length-value datatypes, 6-7
- length-value pair specified LOBs, 7-27
- libraries
- foreign function
- exporting, 1-56
- importing, 2-60
- little endian data
- external tables, 12-7
- LOAD parameter
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-9
- loading
- collections, 7-29
- column objects, 7-1
- in variable record format, 7-3
- with a derived subtype, 7-4
- with user-defined constructors, 7-8
- combined physical records, 10-14
- datafiles containing tabs
- SQL*Loader, 6-4
- delimited, free-format files, 10-11
- external table data
- skipping records, 12-10
- specifying conditions, 12-7, 12-12
- fixed-length data, 10-8
- LOBs, 7-18
- negative numbers, 10-15
- nested column objects, 7-4
- object tables, 7-12
- object tables with a subtype, 7-13
- REF columns, 7-15
- subpartitioned tables, 9-6
- tables, 9-6
- variable-length data, 10-5
- XML columns, 7-18
- LOB data, 3-9
- compression during export, 1-18
- Export, 1-56
- in delimited fields, 7-20
- in length-value pair fields, 7-21
- in predetermined size fields, 7-19
- LOB read buffer
- size of, 4-11
- LOBFILEs, 3-9, 7-18, 7-23
- example, 10-38
- LOBs
- loading, 7-18
- log files
- after a discontinued load, 5-26
- example, 10-26, 10-32
- Export, 1-23, 1-48
- Import, 2-25, 2-46
- specifying for SQL*Loader, 4-9
- SQL*Loader, 3-11
- SQL*Loader datafile information, 8-4
- SQL*Loader global information, 8-2
- SQL*Loader header Information, 8-1
- SQL*Loader summary statistics, 8-5
- SQL*Loader table information, 8-2
- SQL*Loader table load information, 8-5
- LOG parameter
- for Export utility, 1-23
- for Import utility, 2-25
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-9
- logical records
- consolidating multiple physical records using SQL*Loader, 5-27
- LONG data
- C language datatype LONG FLOAT, 6-10
- exporting, 1-56
- importing, 2-61
- LONG VARRAW datatype, 6-14
- master tables
- snapshots
- Import, 2-63
- materialized views, 2-63
- media recovery
- direct path load, 9-15
- messages
- Export
- completion, 1-49
- nonrecoverable, 1-49
- warning, 1-48
- Import
- completion, 2-46
- nonrecoverable, 2-46
- warning, 2-46
- Metadata API, 15-2
- browsing interface, 15-10
- enhancing performance, 15-9
- implementation, 15-4
- programmatic interface, 15-4
- programming example, 15-11
- missing data columns
- SQL*Loader, 5-37
- multibyte character sets
- blanks with SQL*Loader, 6-32
- SQL*Loader, 5-17
- multiple-column indexes
- SQL*Loader, 9-19
- multiple-CPU systems
- optimizing direct path loads, 9-23
- multiple-table load
- generating unique sequence numbers using SQL*Loader, 6-58
- SQL*Loader control file specification, 5-39
- multithreading
- on multiple-CPU systems, 9-23
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-9
- native datatypes
- conflicting length specifications
- SQL*Loader, 6-21
- negative numbers
- loading, 10-15
- nested column objects
- loading, 7-4
- nested tables
- exporting, 1-58
- consistency and, 1-18
- importing, 2-58
- networks
- Import and, 2-54
- transporting export files across, 1-53
- new features, xliii
- NLS_LANG environment variable, 2-55
- Export, 1-54
- Import, 2-55
- NOLOG attribute, 9-21
- nonrecoverable errors
- Export, 1-49
- Import, 2-46
- nonscalar datatypes, 7-6
- normalizing data during a load
- SQL*Loader, 10-19
- NOT NULL constraint
- load method, 9-10
- null data
- missing columns at end of record during load, 5-37
- unspecified columns and SQL*Loader, 6-5
- NULL values
- objects, 7-6
- NULLIF clause
- SQL*Loader, 6-29, 6-41
- NULLIF...BLANKS clause
- example, 10-25
- SQL*Loader, 6-31
- nulls
- atomic, 7-7
- attribute, 7-6
- NUMBER datatype
- SQL*Loader, 6-23
- numeric EXTERNAL datatypes
- delimited form and SQL*Loader, 6-24
- determining length, 6-28
- SQL*Loader, 6-19
- object identifiers, 7-12
- importing, 2-56
- object names
- SQL*Loader, 5-5
- object support, 3-15
- object tables
- loading, 7-12
- with a subtype
- loading, 7-13
- object type definitions
- exporting, 1-57
- for Export utility, 1-24
- objects, 3-13
- considerations for importing, 2-56
- creation errors, 2-48
- ignoring existing objects during import, 2-23
- import creation errors, 2-23
- loading nested column objects, 7-4
- NULL values, 7-6
- stream record format, 7-2
- variable record format, 7-3
- offline bitmapped tablespaces
- exporting, 1-56
- OID. See object identifiers
- online help
- Export, 1-13
- Import, 2-14
- operating systems
- moving data to different systems using SQL*Loader, 6-36
- OPTIMAL storage parameter
- for Import utility, 2-66
- optimizer statistics, 2-68
- optimizing
- direct path loads, 9-17
- SQL*Loader input file processing, 5-11
- SQL*Loader, 6-46
- OPTIONS parameter
- for parallel loads, 5-34
- for SQL*Loader utility, 5-4
- Oracle Advanced Queuing. See Advanced Queuing
- Oracle Net
- using to export over a network, 1-53
- Oracle version 6
- exporting database objects, 2-71
- OWNER parameter
- for Export utility, 1-24
- padding of literal strings
- SQL*Loader, 6-32
- parallel loads, 9-30
- restrictions on direct path, 9-32
- PARALLEL parameter, 9-32
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-10
- parameter files
- Export, 1-24
- comments in, 1-7
- maximum size, 1-7
- Import, 2-25
- comments in, 2-12
- maximum size, 2-11
- SQL*Loader, 4-10
- PARFILE parameter
- for Export command line, 1-24
- for Import command line, 2-25
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-10
- PART statement in DB2
- not allowed by SQL*Loader, B-3
- partitioned loads
- concurrent conventional path loads, 9-30
- SQL*Loader, 9-30
- partitioned tables
- example, 10-34
- export consistency and, 1-18
- exporting, 1-12
- importing, 2-35, 2-50
- in DB2
- no Oracle equivalent, B-3
- loading, 9-6
- partitioning a database migration, 1-60
- advantages of, 1-60, 2-69
- disadvantages of, 1-60, 2-69
- procedure during export, 1-61
- procedure during import, 2-69
- partition-level Export, 1-12
- example session, 1-41
- partition-level Import, 2-49
- specifying, 1-28
- pattern matching
- table names during import, 2-29
- performance
- Import, 2-19
- improving when using integrity constraints, 9-30
- issues when using external tables, 11-6
- optimizing for direct path loads, 9-17
- optimizing reading of SQL*Loader data files, 5-11
- PIECED parameter
- SQL*Loader, 9-16
- POSITION parameter
- using with data containing tabs, 6-4
- with multiple SQL*Loader INTO TABLE clauses, 5-41, 6-3, 6-4
- predetermined size fields
- SQL*Loader, 6-45
- predetermined size LOBs, 7-25
- prerequisites
- SQL*Loader, 9-2
- SQL*Loader, 6-49
- PRESERVE parameter, 5-29
- preserving
- whitespace, 6-49
- presorting
- data for a direct path load
- example, 10-25
- PRIMARY KEY constraints
- effect on direct path load, 9-35
- primary key OIDs
- example, 7-12, 10-43
- primary key REF columns, 7-16
- privileges
- effect on direct path export, 1-52
- required for Export, 1-4
- required for Import, 2-5
- required for SQL*Loader, 9-2
- QUERY parameter
- for Export utility, 1-24
- restrictions, 1-25
- quotation marks
- escaping, 5-6
- filenames, 5-6
- SQL string, 5-5
- table names and, 1-29, 2-31
- use with database object names, 5-5
- RAW datatype
- SQL*Loader, 6-20
- read-consistent export, 1-18
- read-only databases
- exporting from, 1-60
- read-only tablespaces
- Import, 2-66
- READSIZE parameter
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-10
- effect on LOBs, 4-11
- maximum size, 4-11
- real REF columns, 7-15
- RECNUM parameter
- use with SQL*Loader SKIP parameter, 6-56
- RECORDLENGTH parameter
- for Export utility, 1-26
- for Import utility, 2-25
- records
- consolidating into a single logical record
- SQL*Loader, 5-27
- discarded by SQL*Loader, 3-10, 5-14
- DISCARDMAX command-line parameter, 4-6
- distinguishing different formats for SQL*Loader, 5-40
- extracting multiple logical records using SQL*Loader, 5-39
- fixed format, 3-4
- missing data columns during load, 5-37
- rejected by SQL*Loader, 3-10, 5-12
- setting column to record number with SQL*Loader, 6-56
- specifying how to load, 4-9
- specifying length for export, 1-26
- specifying length for import, 2-25
- stream record format, 3-6
- recoverable errors
- flagged as warnings in Export, 1-48
- flagged as warnings in Import, 2-46
- recovery
- direct path load
- SQL*Loader, 9-15
- replacing rows, 5-33
- redo logs
- direct path load, 9-15
- instance and media recovery
- SQL*Loader, 9-15
- minimizing use during direct path loads, 9-20
- saving space
- direct path load, 9-20
- REF columns, 7-15
- loading, 7-15
- primary key, 7-16
- real, 7-15
- REF data
- importing, 2-59
- REF fields
- example, 10-43
- referential integrity constraints
- disabling for import, 2-8
- SQL*Loader, 9-25
- refresh error
- snapshots
- Import, 2-63
- reject files
- specifying for SQL*Loader, 5-11
- rejected records
- SQL*Loader, 3-10, 5-12
- relative field positioning
- where a field starts and SQL*Loader, 6-46
- with multiple SQL*Loader INTO TABLE clauses, 5-40
- remote operation
- Export/Import, 1-53, 2-54
- REPLACE table
- example, 10-15
- replacing a table using SQL*Loader, 5-33
- resource errors
- Import, 2-49
- RESOURCE role, 2-6
- restrictions
- DB2 load utility, B-3
- importing into another user's schema, 2-7
- table names in Export parameter file, 1-30
- table names in Import parameter file, 2-31
- RESUMABLE parameter
- for Export utility, 1-26
- for Import utility, 2-26
- for SQL*Loader utility, 4-11
- resumable space allocation
- enabling and disabling, 1-26, 2-26, 4-11
- RESUMABLE_NAME parameter
- for Export utility, 1-26
- for Import utility, 2-26
- for SQL*Loader utility, 4-12
- for Export utility, 1-27
- for Import utility, 2-26
- for SQL*Loader utility, 4-12
- RESUME parameter
- for DB2, 5-33, B-1
- roles
- rollback segments
- controlling size during import, 2-19
- effects of CONSISTENT Export parameter, 1-18
- row errors
- Import, 2-48
- rows
- choosing which to load using SQL*Loader, 5-35
- exporting, 1-27
- specifying for import, 2-27
- specifying number to insert before save
- SQL*Loader, 9-14
- updates to existing rows with SQL*Loader, 5-34
- ROWS parameter
- for Export utility, 1-27
- for Import utility, 2-27
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-12
- performance issues
- SQL*Loader, 9-20
- using to specify when data saves occur, 9-14
- schemas
- specifying for Export, 1-28
- scientific notation for FLOAT EXTERNAL, 6-20
- script files
- running before Export, 1-3
- running before Import, 2-5
- SDFs. See secondary datafiles
- secondary datafiles, 3-9, 7-31
- security considerations
- direct path export, 1-52
- segments
- temporary
- FILE parameter in SQL*Loader, 9-33
- sequence numbers
- cached, 1-56
- exporting, 1-56
- for multiple tables and SQL*Loader, 6-58
- generated by SQL*Loader SEQUENCE clause, 6-57, 10-11
- generated, not read and SQL*Loader, 6-5
- setting column to a unique number with SQL*Loader, 6-57
- SEQUENCE parameter
- SQL*Loader, 6-57
- short records with missing data
- SQL*Loader, 5-37
- SHORTINT datatype
- C language, 6-9
- SHOW parameter
- for Import utility, 2-27
- SILENT parameter
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-12
- single-byte character sets
- Import, 2-55
- SINGLEROW parameter, 5-38, 9-25
- single-table loads
- continuing, 5-26
- SKIP parameter
- effect on SQL*Loader RECNUM specification, 6-56
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-13
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-14, 9-24
- for Import utility, 2-27
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-14, 9-24
- skipping index maintenance, 4-14, 9-24
- skipping unusable indexes, 4-14, 9-24
- SMALLINT datatype, 6-9
- snapshot log
- Import, 2-63
- snapshots, 2-64
- importing, 2-63
- master table
- Import, 2-63
- restoring dropped
- Import, 2-64
- direct path loads, 5-38
- example, 10-25
- SQL*Loader, 9-18
- sorting
- multiple-column indexes
- SQL*Loader, 9-19
- optimum sort order
- SQL*Loader, 9-19
- presorting in direct path load, 9-18
- SQL*Loader, 9-18
- SQL operators
- applying to fields, 6-50
- SQL strings
- applying SQL operators to fields, 6-50
- example, 10-28
- quotation marks, 5-5
- SQL*Loader
- appending rows to tables, 5-33
- BAD command-line parameter, 4-3
- bad file, 4-3
- BADDN parameter, 5-12
- BADFILE parameter, 5-12
- bind arrays and performance, 5-44
- BINDSIZE command-line parameter, 4-4, 5-45
- case studies, 10-2
- direct path load, 10-24
- extracting data from a formatted report, 10-28
- loading combined physical records, 10-14
- loading data in Unicode character set, 10-47
- loading data into multiple tables, 10-18
- loading delimited, free-format files, 10-11
- loading fixed-length data, 10-8
- loading LOBFILEs (CLOBs), 10-38
- loading partitioned tables, 10-34
- loading REF fields, 10-43
- loading variable-length data, 10-5
- loading VARRAYs, 10-43
- choosing which rows to load, 5-35
- COLUMNARRAYROWS command-line parameter, 4-4
- command-line parameters, 4-1
- CONCATENATE parameter, 5-27
- CONTINUEIF parameter, 5-27
- continuing single-table loads, 5-26
- CONTROL command-line parameter, 4-4
- conventional path loads, 9-4
- DATA command-line parameter, 4-5
- data conversion, 3-9
- data definition language
- syntax diagrams, A-1
- datatype specifications, 3-9
- DATE_CACHE command-line parameter, 4-5
- DIRECT command-line parameter, 9-11
- direct path method, 3-12
- using date cache feature to improve performance, 9-22
- DISCARD command-line parameter, 4-6
- discarded records, 3-10
- DISCARDFILE parameter, 5-14
- DISCARDMAX command-line parameter, 4-6
- DISCARDMAX parameter, 5-16
- DISCARDS parameter, 5-16
- errors caused by tabs, 6-4
- ERRORS command-line parameter, 4-6
- example sessions, 10-2
- exclusive access, 9-30
- FILE command-line parameter, 4-9
- filenames, 5-5
- globalization technology, 5-16
- index options, 5-38
- inserting rows into tables, 5-33
- INTO TABLE statement, 5-31
- LOAD command-line parameter, 4-9
- load methods, 9-1
- loading column objects, 7-1
- loading data across different platforms, 6-36
- loading data contained in the control file, 6-55
- loading object tables, 7-12
- LOG command-line parameter, 4-9
- log file datafile information, 8-4
- log file entries, 8-1
- log file global information, 8-2
- log file header information, 8-1
- log file summary statistics, 8-5
- log file table information, 8-2
- log file table load information, 8-5
- log files, 3-11
- methods of loading data, 3-11
- multiple INTO TABLE statements, 5-39
- MULTITHREADING command-line parameter, 4-9
- object names, 5-5
- parallel data loading, 9-30, 9-31, 9-35
- PARFILE command-line parameter, 4-10
- READSIZE command-line parameter, 4-10
- maximum size, 4-11
- rejected records, 3-10
- replacing rows in tables, 5-33
- required privileges, 9-2
- RESUMABLE parameter, 4-11
- RESUMABLE_NAME parameter, 4-12
- RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT parameter, 4-12
- ROWS command-line parameter, 4-12
- SILENT command-line parameter, 4-12
- SINGLEROW parameter, 5-38
- SKIP_INDEX_MAINTENANCE command-line parameter, 4-14
- SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES command-line parameter, 4-14
- SORTED INDEXES during direct path loads, 5-38
- specifying columns, 6-5
- specifying datafiles, 5-7
- specifying field conditions, 6-29
- specifying fields, 6-5
- specifying more than one datafile, 5-9
- STREAMSIZE command-line parameter, 4-15
- suppressing messages, 4-12
- updating rows, 5-34
- USERID command-line parameter, 4-15
- SQL/DS option (DB2 file format)
- not supported by SQL*Loader, B-4
- statistics
- analyzer, 2-68
- database optimizer
- specifying for Export, 1-27
- optimizer, 2-68
- specifying for Import, 2-28
- STATISTICS parameter
- for Export utility, 1-27
- for Import utility, 2-27
- STORAGE parameter, 9-34
- storage parameters, 2-65
- estimating export requirements, 1-4
- OPTIMAL parameter, 2-66
- overriding
- Import, 2-66
- preallocating
- direct path load, 9-17
- temporary for a direct path load, 9-12
- stored functions
- importing, 2-60
- effect of COMPILE parameter, 2-60
- stored packages
- importing, 2-60
- effect of COMPILE parameter, 2-60
- stored procedures
- direct path load, 9-29
- importing, 2-60
- effect of COMPILE parameter, 2-60
- stream buffer
- specifying size for direct path, 9-21
- stream record format, 3-6
- loading column objects in, 7-2
- for Import utility, 2-28
- for Import utility, 2-28
- STREAMSIZE parameter
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-15
- string comparisons
- SQL*Loader, 6-32
- subpartitioned tables
- loading, 9-6
- synonyms
- direct path load, 9-10
- exporting, 1-58
- syntax diagrams
- SQL*Loader, A-1
- symbols used in BNF variant, C-1
- SYSDATE datatype
- example, 10-28
- SYSDATE parameter
- SQL*Loader, 6-56
- system objects
- importing, 2-7
- system triggers
- effect on import, 2-9
- testing, 2-9
- table mode export, 1-8
- table names
- preserving case sensitivity, 1-29
- table-level Export, 1-12
- table-level Import, 2-49
- table-mode Export
- specifying, 1-28
- table-mode Import
- examples, 2-35
- tables
- Advanced Queuing
- exporting, 1-58
- importing, 2-61
- appending rows with SQL*Loader, 5-33
- defining before Import, 2-8
- definitions
- creating before Import, 2-8
- exclusive access during direct path loads
- SQL*Loader, 9-30
- external, 11-1
- importing, 2-29
- insert triggers
- direct path load in SQL*Loader, 9-27
- inserting rows using SQL*Loader, 5-33
- loading data into more than one table using SQL*Loader, 5-39
- loading object tables, 7-12
- maintaining consistency during Export, 1-18
- manually ordering for Import, 2-9
- master table
- Import, 2-63
- name restrictions
- Export, 1-30
- Import, 2-29, 2-31
- nested
- exporting, 1-58
- importing, 2-58
- objects
- order of import, 2-3
- partitioned, 1-12
- partitioned in DB2
- no Oracle equivalent, B-3
- replacing rows using SQL*Loader, 5-33
- specifying for export, 1-28
- specifying table-mode Export, 1-28
- SQL*Loader method for individual tables, 5-32
- truncating
- SQL*Loader, 5-34
- updating existing rows using SQL*Loader, 5-34
- See also external tables
- TABLES parameter
- for Export utility, 1-28
- for Import utility, 2-29
- tablespace mode export, 1-8
- tablespaces
- dropping during import, 2-67
- exporting a set of, 1-59
- metadata
- transporting, 2-33
- moving from one database to another, 2-64
- read-only
- Import, 2-66
- reorganizing
- Import, 2-67
- TABLESPACES parameter
- for Export utility, 1-30
- for Import utility, 2-31
- tabs
- loading datafiles containing tabs, 6-4
- trimming, 6-42
- whitespace, 6-42
- temporary segments, 9-33
- FILE parameter
- SQL*Loader, 9-33
- temporary storage in a direct path load, 9-12
- SQL*Loader, 6-25
- SQL*Loader, 6-25
- terminated fields
- specified with a delimiter, 6-46
- specified with delimiters and SQL*Loader, 6-25
- time
- SQL*Loader datatypes for, 6-16
- for Import utility, 2-31
- TOUSER parameter
- for Import utility, 2-32
- trailing blanks
- loading with delimiters, 6-27
- example, 10-28
- for SQL*Loader utility, 5-3, 5-37
- trailing whitespace
- trimming, 6-49
- for Export utility, 1-31
- for Import utility, 2-33
- transportable tablespaces, 1-59, 2-64
- triggers
- database insert, 9-27
- permanently disabled, 9-30
- replacing with integrity constraints, 9-27
- schema and database
- effect on Import, 2-9
- system
- testing, 2-9
- update
- SQL*Loader, 9-28
- TRIGGERS parameter
- for Export utility, 1-31
- trimming
- summary, 6-43
- trailing whitespace
- SQL*Loader, 6-49
- TTS_FULL_CHECK parameter
- for Export utility, 1-31
- TTS_OWNERS parameter
- for Import utility, 2-33
- UNIQUE KEY constraints
- effect on direct path load, 9-35
- unique values
- generating with SQL*Loader, 6-57
- uniqueness constraints
- preventing errors during import, 2-19
- UNLOAD statement (DB2 file format)
- not supported by SQL*Loader, B-3
- SQL*Loader, 9-20
- unsorted data
- direct path load
- SQL*Loader, 9-18
- updating
- rows in a table
- SQL*Loader, 5-34
- user definitions
- importing, 2-71
- user mode export, 1-8
- specifying, 1-24
- Export and, 1-4
- user-defined constructors, 7-8
- loading column objects with, 7-8
- USERID parameter
- for Export utility, 1-31
- for Import utility, 2-33
- for SQL*Loader command line, 4-15
- value datatypes, 6-7
- VARCHAR datatype
- SQL*Loader, 6-13
- VARCHAR2 datatype, 2-71
- SQL*Loader, 6-23
- VARCHARC datatype
- SQL*Loader, 6-20
- VARGRAPHIC datatype
- SQL*Loader, 6-12
- variable records, 3-5
- format, 7-3
- variable-length records
- external tables, 12-5
- VARRAW datatype, 6-14
- VARRAWC datatype, 6-21
- VARRAY columns
- memory issues when loading, 7-34
- VOLSIZE parameter
- for Export utility, 1-32
- for Import utility, 2-34
- WHEN clause
- example, 10-19
- SQL*Loader, 5-35, 6-29
- SQL*Loader discards resulting from, 5-15
- whitespace
- included in a field, 6-47
- leading, 6-44
- preserving, 6-49
- terminating a field, 6-24, 6-47
- trimming, 6-42
- WHITESPACE parameter
- SQL*Loader, 6-25
- XML columns
- loading, 7-18
- treatment by SQL*Loader, 7-18
- ZONED datatype, 6-10
- EXTERNAL format
- SQL*Loader, 6-19