- %ROWTYPE attribute, 7-7
- used in stored functions, 7-8
- %TYPE attribute, 7-7
- 3GL, definition, 1-4
- 4GL, definition, 1-3
- Active Data Object, translating to PSP, 13-20
- Active Server Pages, translating to PSP, 13-20
- AFTER SUSPEND event, handling suspended storage allocation, 5-39
- AFTER triggers
- auditing and, 9-33, 9-35
- correlation names and, 9-17
- specifying, 9-6
- agent, definition, 11-4
- ALL_ERRORS view, debugging stored procedures, 7-35
- ALL_SOURCE view, 7-35
- ALTER SESSION statement, SERIALIZABLE clause, 5-23
- ALTER TABLE statement
- defining integrity constraints, 3-18
- DROP CONSTRAINT clause, 3-25
- ENABLE ALL TRIGGERS clause, 9-29
- ENABLE CONSTRAINT clause, 3-21
- ALTER TABLE statement (continued)
- INITRANS parameter, 5-23
- RETENTION option, for flashback, 15-5
- ALTER TRIGGER statement
- DISABLE clause, 9-29
- ENABLE clause, 9-29
- anonymous PL/SQL blocks
- about, 7-2
- compared to triggers, 7-20
- FIPS flagger, 5-2
- AnyData datatype, 2-44
- AnyDataSet datatype, 2-44
- AnyType datatype, 2-44
- applications
- calling stored procedures and packages, 7-45
- unhandled exceptions in, 7-38
- attributes
- %rowtype, PL/SQL, 1-5
- %type, PL/SQL, 1-5
- auditing, triggers and, 9-32
- autonomous routine, 5-29
- autonomous scope, definition, 5-29
- autonomous transactions, 5-28 to 5-36
- BEFORE triggers
- complex security authorizations, 9-45
- correlation names and, 9-17
- derived column values, 9-46
- specifying, 9-6
- BFILE datatype, 2-7, 2-34
- binary data, RAW and LONG RAW, 2-35
- Binary Large Object, 2-34
- BINARY_DOUBLE datatype, 2-5, 2-11
- BINARY_FLOAT datatype, 2-5, 2-11
- binding, bulk, definition, 7-17
- blank-padded comparison, 2-10
- BLOB datatype, 2-7, 2-34
- body of package, definition, 7-13
- Boolean expressions, 2-43
- bulk binding, definition, 7-17
- bulk binds, 7-17
- DML statements, 7-18
- FOR loops, 7-19
- SELECT statements, 7-19
- usage, 7-18
- BY REF phrase, 8-32
- BYTE qualifier for column lengths, 2-9
- call specifications, 8-4 to 8-53
- callbacks, 8-47 to 8-49
- canceling a cursor, 5-10
- CATPROC.SQL script, 10-2
- CC datetime format element, 2-27
- century, 2-25
- date format masks, 2-21
- CGI variables, 13-19
- CHAR datatype, 2-4
- CHAR qualifier for column lengths, 2-9
- character data, 2-8
- Character Large Object, 2-34
- CHARSETFORM property, 8-28
- CHARSETID property, 8-28
- CHARTOROWID function, 2-41
- CHECK constraint, triggers and, 9-38, 9-43
- check constraints, how to use, 3-15
- client, definition, 11-4
- client events, 10-8
- CLOB datatype, 2-5, 2-34
- column type attribute, PL/SQL, 1-5
- columns
- accessing in triggers, 9-17
- default values, 3-5, 7-51
- generating derived values with triggers, 9-46
- columns (continued)
- listing in an UPDATE trigger, 9-6, 9-20
- multiple foreign key constraints, 3-11
- number of CHECK constraints limit, 3-17
- specifying length in bytes or characters, 2-9
- COMMIT statement, 5-5
- comparison operators
- blank-padded and non-padded data, 2-10
- dates, 2-21
- compile-time errors, 7-33
- compiling PL/SQL procedures to native code, 7-21
- composite keys
- foreign, 3-8
- restricting nulls in, 3-17
- concurrency, 5-19
- conditional expressions, in WHERE clause, 2-32
- conditional predicates, trigger bodies, 9-15, 9-19
- connection pooling, 1-23
- consistency, read-only transactions, 5-7
- constraining tables, 9-22
- constraints, , S
- context switches, reducing with bulk binds, 7-17
- converting data, 2-40
- ANSI datatypes, 2-39
- assignments, 2-41
- expression evaluation, 2-43
- SQL/DS and DB2 datatypes, 2-40
- year and century considerations, 2-26
- cookies, 13-19
- correlation names, 9-14 to 9-19
- NEW, 9-17
- OLD, 9-17
- REFERENCING option and, 9-19
- when preceded by a colon, 9-17
- CREATE INDEX statement, 4-7
- CREATE PACKAGE BODY statement, 7-15
- CREATE PACKAGE statement, 7-15
- CREATE TABLE statement
- defining integrity constraints, 3-18
- INITRANS parameter in, 5-23
- CREATE TRIGGER statement, 9-2
- REFERENCING option, 9-19
- cursor and cursor variable, definitions, 5-8
- cursors, 5-8
- canceling, 5-10
- cursors, 5-8 (continued)
- closing, 5-10
- declaring and opening cursor variables, 7-31
- maximum number of, 5-9
- pointers to, 7-30
- private SQL areas and, 5-8
- custom OWA, definition, 13-6
- DAD, definition, 13-4
- data blocks, shown in ROWIDs, 2-37
- data conversion, , S
- data dictionary
- compile-time errors, 7-35
- integrity constraints in, 3-28
- procedure source code, 7-35
- data object number, extended ROWID, 2-36, 2-37
- data recovery using flashback features, 15-3
- Database Access Descriptor, 13-4
- datafiles, shown in ROWIDs, 2-37
- datatypes, 2-2
- ANSI/ISO, 2-39
- BFILE, 2-7
- BINARY_DOUBLE, 2-5, 2-11
- BINARY_FLOAT, 2-5, 2-11
- BLOB, 2-7
- CHAR, 2-4, 2-8
- column length, 2-9
- character, 2-8
- CLOB, 2-5
- column lengths for character types, 2-9
- conversion, 2-40
- DATE, 2-6, 2-25
- DB2, 2-39
- LONG, 2-5, 2-8
- LONG RAW, 2-8
- native floating point, 2-11
- native floating-point, IEEE 754 exceptions not raised, 2-15
- NCHAR, 2-4, 2-8
- NCLOB, 2-5
- datatypes, 2-2 (continued)
- NUMBER, 2-5, 2-11
- numeric, 2-11
- NVARCHAR2, 2-4, 2-8
- RAW, 2-7
- ROWID, 2-8, 2-36
- SQL/DS, 2-39
- UROWID, 2-8
- VARCHAR2, 2-4, 2-8
- column length, 2-9
- date and time data, representing, 2-20
- date arithmetic, 2-43
- functions for, 2-22
- DATE datatype, 2-6, 2-20
- centuries, 2-25
- data conversion, 2-41
- DB2 datatypes, 2-39
- DBA_ERRORS view, debugging stored procedures, 7-35
- DBA_SOURCE view, 7-35
- DBMS_FLASHBACK package, 15-7
- DBMS_LOCK package, 5-17
- DBMS_RESUMABLE package, handling suspended storage allocation, 5-39
- DBMS_SQL package
- advantages of, 6-16
- client-side programs, 6-16
- DESCRIBE, 6-16
- differences with native dynamic SQL, 6-11
- See also dynamic SQL
- DBMS_STATS package and Flashback Query, 15-15
- DBMS_TYPES package, 2-44
- DBMS_XMLGEN package, 2-47
- DBMS_XMLQUERY package, 2-47
- DBMS_XMLSAVE package, 2-47
- DDL statements, package state and, 7-16
- DEBUG_EXTPROC package, 8-51
- debugging
- stored procedures, 7-40
- triggers, 9-28
- dedicated external procedure agents, 8-6
- default parameters in stored functions, 7-53
- definer's-rights procedure, 7-46
- DELETE statement
- column values and triggers, 9-17
- data consistency, 5-10
- triggers for referential integrity, 9-40, 9-41
- denormal floating-point numbers, 2-13
- dependencies
- among PL/SQL library objects, 7-21
- in stored triggers, 9-27
- schema objects, trigger management, 9-22
- timestamp model, 7-22
- DESC function, 4-9
- deterministic function, definition, 7-56
- DETERMINISTIC keyword, 7-56
- dictionary_obj_owner event attribute, 10-3
- dictionary_obj_owner_list event attribute, 10-3
- dictionary_obj_type event attribute, 10-3
- disabled integrity constraint, definition, 3-19
- disabled trigger, definition, 9-28
- disabling
- integrity constraints, 3-20
- triggers, 9-28, 9-29
- distributed databases
- referential integrity and, 3-15
- remote stored procedures, 7-47, 7-48
- triggers and, 9-22
- distributed queries
- flashback features, 15-16
- handling errors, 7-38
- distributed transaction processing architecture, 16-2
- distributed update, definition, 7-49
- DML_LOCKS parameter, 5-11
- double datatype, native in C and C++, 2-19
- DROP INDEX statement, 4-6
- DROP TRIGGER statement, 9-28
- dropping
- indexes, 4-6
- integrity constraints, 3-25
- packages, 7-11
- procedures, 7-11
- triggers, 9-28
- dynamic SQL
- application development languages, 6-20
- invoker's rights, 6-7
- invoking PL/SQL blocks, 6-6
- optimization, 6-5
- queries, 6-4
- scenario, 6-7
- usage, 6-3
- See also
- DBMS_SQL package
- native dynamic SQL
- dynamic Web pages, 13-19
- dynamically typed data, representing, 2-44
- e-mail, sending from PL/SQL, 13-15
- embedded SQL, 7-2
- enabled integrity constraint, definition, 3-19
- enabled trigger, definition, 9-28
- enabling
- integrity constraints, 3-20
- triggers, 9-28
- errors
- application errors raised by Oracle Database packages, 7-36
- remote procedures, 7-38
- user-defined, 7-35, 7-37
- event attribute functions, 10-2
- event notification, 10-1, 11-5
- event publication, 9-50 to 9-52, 10-1
- triggering, 9-50
- events
- attribute, 10-2
- client, 10-8
- resource manager, 10-7
- system, 10-1
- tracking, 9-49, 10-1
- exception handlers, in PL/SQL, 7-2
- exception to a constraint, 3-20
- exceptions
- anonymous blocks, 7-3
- during trigger execution, 9-20
- effects on applications, 7-38
- remote procedures, 7-38
- exceptions (continued)
- unhandled, 7-38
- exclusive locks, LOCK TABLE statement, 5-15
- explicit locks, 5-10
- expression filtering, 2-32
- expressions, conditional in WHERE clause, 2-32
- extended ROWID format, 2-36
- external LOB, definition, 2-34
- external procedure, 8-3
- DBA tasks required, 8-6
- DEBUG_EXTPROC package, 8-51
- debugging, 8-50
- definition, 8-3
- maximum number of parameters, 8-53
- specifying datatypes, 8-19
- extproc process, 8-6, 8-37
- features, new, i-xxxvii
- FIPS flagger, interactive SQL statements and, 5-2
- firing of triggers, 9-1
- FIXED_DATE initialization parameter, 2-21
- flashback features, 15-2
- performance, 15-15
- flashback privileges, 15-4
- Flashback Query, 15-5
- DBMS_STATS package, 15-15
- Flashback Transaction Query, 15-12
- Flashback Version Query, 15-10
- float datatype, native in C and C++, 2-19
- floating-point numbers, 2-11
- FOR EACH ROW clause, 9-13
- FORALL statement, using, 7-17
- foreign key constraints
- defining, 3-27
- enabling, 3-20, 3-26
- NOT NULL constraint and, 3-10
- one-to-many relationship, 3-10
- one-to-n relationships, 3-10
- UNIQUE key constraint and, 3-11
- format mask, definition, 2-28
- format masks, TO_DATE function, 2-21
- fourth-generation computing language, definition, 1-3
- full-text search, using Oracle9i Text, 2-34
- functions, , S
- geographic coordinate data, representing, 2-33
- global entity, definition, 7-15
- global OWA, definition, 13-6
- grantee event attribute, 10-3
- HEXTORAW function, 2-41
- hiding PL/SQL code, 7-20
- hostname, 13-16
- displaying within PSP files, 13-22
- retrieving from PL/SQL, 13-16
- HTP and HTF packages, 13-19
- HTTP URLs, 13-16
- IBM datatypes, 2-39
- IEEE 754 standard for floating-point numbers, 2-12
- image maps, 13-19
- IN OUT parameter mode, 7-6
- IN parameter mode, 7-6
- indexes
- creating, 4-6
- dropping, 4-6
- function-based, 4-8
- guidelines, 4-3
- order of columns, 4-4
- privileges, 4-6
- SQL*Loader and, 4-3
- temporary segments and, 4-3
- when to create, 4-2
- INDICATOR property, 8-27
- -INF and +INF, 2-14
- infinity values, 2-14
- initialization parameters
- DML_LOCKS, 5-11
- initialization parameters (continued)
- INITRANS parameter, 5-23
- INSERT statement
- column values and triggers, 9-17
- read consistency, 5-10
- instance_num event attribute, 10-3
- INSTEAD OF triggers, 9-8
- on nested table view columns, 9-18
- integrity constraints
- CHECK, 3-15
- composite UNIQUE keys, 3-7
- defining, 3-17
- disabling, 3-20, 3-21, 3-22
- dropping, 3-25
- enabling, 3-19
- examples, 3-2
- exceptions to, 3-23
- listing definitions of, 3-28
- naming, 3-19
- NOT NULL, 3-3
- performance considerations, 3-3
- privileges required for creating, 3-19
- renaming, 3-24
- triggers vs., 9-2, 9-37
- UNIQUE, 3-6
- violations, 3-20
- when to use, 3-2
- interactive block execution, 7-44
- INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND datatype, 2-6, 2-20
- INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH datatype, 2-6, 2-20
- invoker's-rights procedure, 7-46
- is_alter_column event attribute, 10-3
- changing, 5-23
- Java
- calling methods through call specifications, 8-4
- compared to PL/SQL, 1-41
- Java (continued)
- generating wrapper classes with JPublisher, 1-16
- JDBC, overview, 1-9
- loading into the database, 8-5
- SQLJ, overview, 1-13
- Java Server Pages, translating to PSP, 13-20
- Javascript, translating to PSP, 13-20
- JDBC, , S
- JScript, translating to PSP, 13-20
- keys
- foreign, 3-26
- unique, composite, 3-7
- large data, representing with LOBs, 2-34
- Large Objects (LOBs), 2-34
- libraries, 1-41
- library units, remote dependencies, 7-21
- loadjava utility, 1-16
- loadpsp command, 13-29
- LOB datatypes, 1-38, 2-34
- external, definition, 2-34
- support in OO4O, 1-37
- use in triggers, 9-18
- LOCK TABLE statement, 5-11
- locks
- explicit, 5-10
- LOCK TABLE statement, 5-11, 5-12
- privileges for manual acquirement, 5-15
- user, 5-17
- UTLLOCKT.SQL script, 5-19
- LONG datatype, 2-5, 2-8
- use in triggers, 9-22
- LONG RAW datatype, 2-8, 2-35
- LOWER function, 4-9
- mail, sending from PL/SQL, 13-15
- main transaction, definition, 5-29
- manual locks, 5-10
- LOCK TABLE statement, 5-11
- mask, format, definition, 2-28
- match full rule for NULL values, 3-10
- match partial rule for NULL values, 3-10
- MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY datatype, 2-33
- memory, scalability, 7-63
- migration, ROWID format, 2-38
- mod_plsql, definition, 13-3
- modes, parameter, 7-6
- mutating table, definition, 9-22
- mutating tables, trigger restrictions, 9-22
- NaN (not a number value), 2-14
- National Character Set Large Object, 2-34
- native dynamic SQL
- advantages of, 6-11
- differences with DBMS_SQL package, 6-11
- fetching into records, 6-15
- performance, 6-14
- user-defined types, 6-15
- See also dynamic SQL
- native execution, of PL/SQL procedures, 7-21
- native float and native double datatypes in C and C++, 2-19
- native floating-point datatypes, 2-11
- arithmetic, rounding behavior, 2-16
- IEEE 754 exceptions not raised, 2-15
- infinity values, 2-14
- NCHAR datatype, 2-4, 2-8
- NCLOB datatype, 2-5, 2-34
- negative infinity value, 2-14
- negative zero value, 2-14
- NEW correlation name, 9-17
- new features, i-xxxvii
- NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter, 2-21
- NLSSORT order, and indexes, 4-9
- non-padded comparison, 2-10
- normalization of floating-point numbers, 2-13
- not a number (NaN) value, 2-14
- NOT NULL constraint
- CHECK constraint and, 3-17
- data integrity, 3-20
- NOT NULL constraint (continued)
- when to use, 3-3
- notification, event, 10-1, 11-5
- NOWAIT option, 5-12
- NUMBER datatype, 2-5, 2-11, 2-19
- numeric datatypes, 2-11
- NVARCHAR2 datatype, 2-4, 2-8
- OAS, 13-19
- object columns, indexes on, 4-9
- object support in OO4O, 1-37
- OCCI, overview, 1-25
- OCI, 7-2
- applications, 7-4
- cancelling cursors, 5-10
- closing cursors, 5-10
- overview, 1-25
- parts of, 1-27
- vs precompilers, 1-40
- OLD correlation name, 9-17
- one-to-many relationship, with foreign keys, 3-10
- one-to-one relationship, with foreign keys, 3-11
- OO4O, , S
- open string for XA, 16-9
- OPEN_CURSORS parameter, 5-9
- OR REPLACE clause, for creating packages, 7-15
- ora_dictionary_obj_owner event attribute, 10-3
- ora_dictionary_obj_owner_list event attribute, 10-3
- ora_dictionary_obj_type event attribute, 10-3
- ora_grantee event attribute, 10-3
- ora_instance_num event attribute, 10-3
- ora_is_alter_column event attribute, 10-3
- ora_is_creating_nested_table event attribute, 10-4
- ora_is_drop_column event attribute, 10-4
- ora_is_servererror event attribute, 10-4
- ora_login_user event attribute, 10-4
- ora_privileges event attribute, 10-4
- ora_revokee event attribute, 10-4
- ORA_ROWSCN pseudocolumn, 15-9
- ora_server_error event attribute, 10-4
- ora_sysevent event attribute, 10-4
- ora_with_grant_option event attribute, 10-7
- ORA-21301 error, fixing, 16-12, 16-14
- OraAQ object, 1-36
- OraAQAgent object, 1-37
- OraAQMsg object, 1-37
- OraBFILE object, 1-38
- OraBLOB object, 1-38
- Oracle Application Server (OAS), 13-19
- Oracle Call Interface, , S
- Oracle Data Control (ODC), 1-39
- Oracle Data Provider for .NET, overview, 1-29
- Oracle Database 10g, new application development features, i-xxxvii
- Oracle Database errors, 7-3
- Oracle JDBC
- definition, 1-9
- example, 1-12
- OCI driver, 1-10
- Oracle Database extensions, 1-11
- server driver, 1-11
- stored procedures, 1-19
- thin driver, 1-10
- Oracle JDeveloper, definition, 1-15
- Oracle JPublisher, definition, 1-17
- Oracle Objects for OLE
- automation server, 1-31
- C++ Class Library, 1-39
- LOB and object support, 1-37
- object model, 1-32
- overview, 1-30
- Oracle SQLJ
- advantages over JDBC, 1-15
- definition, 1-13
- design, 1-15
- in the server, 1-16
- stored programs, 1-16
- OraCLOB object, 1-38
- OraDatabase object, 1-34
- OraDynaset object, 1-34
- OraField object, 1-35
- OraMDAttribute object, 1-35
- OraMetaData object, 1-35
- OraParamArray object, 1-36
- OraParameter object, 1-35
- OraServer object, 1-33
- OraSession object, 1-33
- OraSQLStmt object, 1-36
- OUT parameter mode, 7-6
- overloading
- packaged functions, 7-63
- procedures and functions, definition, 7-12
- OWA function invocation types, 13-6
- OWA* packages, 13-19
- package, definition, 7-12
- package body, 7-12
- package OWA, definition, 13-6
- package specification, 7-12
- packages, 1-41
- creating, 7-15
- DBMS_OUTPUT, example of use, 7-3
- dropping, 7-11
- in PL/SQL, 7-12
- naming of, 7-16
- Oracle Database, 7-17
- privileges for execution, 7-45
- privileges required to create, 7-16
- privileges required to create procedures in, 7-10
- serially reusable packages, 7-63
- session state and, 7-16
- synonyms, 7-49
- where documented, 7-17
- parallel server, distributed locks, 5-10
- PARALLEL_ENABLE keyword, 7-56
- parameters
- default values, 7-9
- with stored functions, 7-53
- modes, 7-6
- parse tree, 9-26
- pcode, when generated for triggers, 9-26
- performance
- index column order, 4-4
- native dynamic SQL, 6-14
- permanent and temporary LOB instances, 2-34
- platform-specific Oracle Database documentation, PL/SQL wrapper, 7-20
- PL/SQL, 7-2
- anonymous blocks, 7-2
- PL/SQL, 7-2 (continued)
- calling remote stored procedures, 7-48
- compared to Java, 1-41
- cursor variables, 7-30
- dependencies among library units, 7-21
- exception handlers, 7-2
- functions
- arguments, 7-53
- overloading, 7-63
- parameter default values, 7-53
- purity level, 7-62
- using, 7-50
- hiding source code, 7-20
- invoking with dynamic SQL, 6-6
- objects, 1-6
- overview, 1-3
- packages, 7-12
- program units, 7-2
- RAISE statement, 7-36
- sample code, 1-4
- serially reusable packages, 7-63
- server pages, 13-19 to 13-30
- tables, 7-8
- of records, 7-8
- trigger bodies, 9-15, 9-17
- user-defined errors, 7-36
- Web toolkit, 13-19
- wrapper to hide code, 7-20
- PL/SQL Gateway, definition, 13-3
- PL/SQL Web Toolkit, definition, 13-3
- PLSQL_COMPILER_FLAGS initialization parameter, 7-21
- positive infinity value, 2-14
- positive zero value, 2-14
- posting, message, definition, 11-5
- pragma, 5-37
- SERIALLY_REUSABLE pragma, 7-63, 7-64
- precompilers, 7-45
- applications, 7-4
- calling stored procedures and packages, 7-45
- vs OCI, 1-40
- PRIMARY KEY constraints
- choosing a primary key, 3-5
- PRIMARY KEY constraints (continued)
- disabling, 3-21
- enabling, 3-20
- multiple columns in, 3-6
- UNIQUE key constraint vs., 3-6
- private SQL areas, cursors and, 5-8
- privileges
- creating integrity constraints, 3-19
- creating triggers, 9-26
- dropping triggers, 9-28
- flashback, 15-4
- index creation, 4-6
- manually acquiring locks, 5-15
- recompiling triggers, 9-28
- stored procedure execution, 7-45
- triggers, 9-26
- Pro*C/C++, overview of application development, 1-20
- Pro*COBOL, overview of application development, 1-23
- procedure
- external, definition, 8-3
- procedures
- called by triggers, 9-22
- external, 8-3
- program units in PL/SQL, 7-2
- property
- pseudocolumns, modifying views, 9-9
- PSP, , S
- .psp files, 13-21
- publish-subscribe, 11-2 to 11-6
- purity of stored function, definition, 7-55
- queries
- dynamic, 6-4
- errors in distributed queries, 7-38
- RAISE statement, 7-36
- remote procedures, 7-38
- raising exceptions, triggers, 9-20
- RAW datatype, 2-7, 2-35
- RAWTOHEX function, 2-41
- RAWTONHEX function, 2-41
- read-only transactions, 5-7
- recovery, data, using flashback features, 15-3
- REF column, indexes on, 4-9
- REFERENCING option, 9-19
- referential integrity
- distributed databases and, 3-15
- one-to-many relationship, 3-10
- one-to-one relationship, 3-11
- privileges required to create foreign keys, 3-27
- self-referential constraints, 9-41
- triggers and, 9-38 to 9-42
- remote dependencies, 7-21
- signatures, 7-23
- specifying timestamps or signatures, 7-28
- remote exception handling, 7-38, 9-20
- remote queries, flashback features, 15-16
- repeatable reads, 5-7, 5-10
- resource manager, 16-2
- events, 10-7
- syntax for, 7-60
- restrictions, system triggers, 9-25
- resumable storage allocation, 5-38
- definition, 5-38
- examples, 5-39
- RETENTION GUARANTEE clause for undo tablespace, 15-4
- reusable packages, 7-63
- RM (resource manager), 16-2
- RNDS argument, 7-60
- RNPS argument, 7-60
- ROLLBACK statement, 5-5
- rolling back transactions, to savepoints, 5-6
- rounding modes for native floating-point numbers, 2-15
- routine
- autonomous scope, definition, 5-29
- routine (continued)
- external, definition, 8-3
- routines
- external, 8-3
- service, 8-38
- row locking, manual, 5-16
- row triggers
- defining, 9-13
- REFERENCING option, 9-19
- timing, 9-6
- UPDATE statements and, 9-6, 9-20
- ROWID, definition, 2-37
- ROWID datatype, 2-8, 2-36
- extended ROWID format, 2-36
- migration, 2-38
- ROWIDTOCHAR function, 2-41
- ROWIDTONCHAR function, 2-41
- rows
- shown in ROWIDs, 2-37
- violating integrity constraints, 3-20
- rowtype attribute, PL/SQL, 1-5
- ROWTYPE_MISMATCH exception, 7-33
- RR date format, 2-26
- RS locks, LOCK TABLE statement, 5-12
- run-time error handling, 7-35
- RX locks, LOCK TABLE statement, 5-12
- S locks, LOCK TABLE statement, 5-12
- SAVEPOINT statement, 5-6
- savepoints
- maximum number of, 5-6
- rolling back to, 5-6
- scalability, serially reusable packages, 7-63
- scope
- autonomous, definition, 5-29
- scripting, 13-19
- scrollable cursors, 1-23
- search data, representing, 2-34
- secure application roles, i-xlv
- SELECT statement
- AS OF clause, 15-5
- FOR UPDATE clause, 5-16
- read consistency, 5-10
- SELECT statement (continued)
- VERSIONS BETWEEN...AND clause, 15-10
- serializable transactions, 5-19
- serially reusable PL/SQL packages, 7-63
- SERIALLY_REUSABLE pragma, 7-64
- service routine, 8-38
- sessions, package state and, 7-16
- SET TRANSACTION statement, 5-8
- ISOLATION LEVEL clause, 5-23
- share locks (S), LOCK TABLE statement, 5-12
- share row exclusive locks (SRX), LOCK TABLE statement, 5-14
- side effects, subprogram, 7-6, 7-55
- signatures
- PL/SQL library unit dependencies, 7-21
- to manage remote dependencies, 7-23
- SORT_AREA_SIZE parameter, index creation and, 4-3
- sorting, with function-based indexes, 4-8
- specification part of package, definition, 7-13
- SQL statements
- execution, 5-2
- in trigger bodies, 9-17, 9-22
- not allowed in triggers, 9-22
- SQL*Loader, indexes and, 4-3
- SQL*Module, applications, 7-4
- SQL*Plus
- anonymous blocks, 7-4
- compile-time errors, 7-33
- invoking stored procedures, 7-43
- loading a procedure, 7-10
- SET SERVEROUTPUT ON command, 7-3
- SHOW ERRORS command, 7-34
- SQL/DS datatypes, 2-39
- SRX locks, LOCK Table statement, 5-14
- standards, IEEE 754, 2-11
- state
- package, definition, 7-63
- session, package objects, 7-16
- Web application, definition, 13-14
- stateful and stateless user interfaces, definitions, 1-3
- statement triggers
- conditional code for statements, 9-19
- row evaluation order, 9-7
- specifying SQL statement, 9-5
- timing, 9-6
- trigger evaluation order, 9-7
- UPDATE statements and, 9-6, 9-20
- valid SQL statements, 9-22
- storage allocation errors, resuming execution after, 5-38
- stored functions, 7-4
- creating, 7-9
- restrictions, 7-51
- stored procedure, definition, 7-5
- stored procedures, 7-4
- argument values, 7-46
- creating, 7-9
- distributed query creation, 7-38
- exceptions, 7-35, 7-37
- invoking, 7-43
- names of, 7-5
- overloading names of, 7-12
- parameter, default values, 7-9
- privileges, 7-45
- remote, 7-47
- remote objects and, 7-48
- storing, 7-9
- synonyms, 7-49
- turning into a Web page, 13-19
- subnormal floating-point numbers, 2-13
- synonyms, stored procedures and packages, 7-49
- SYS_XMLAGG function, 2-47
- SYS_XMLGEN function, 2-47
- SYSDATE function, 2-21
- system events, 10-1
- attributes, 10-2
- client, 10-8
- resource manager, 10-7
- tracking, 9-49, 10-1
- table, mutating, definition, 9-22
- tables
- constraining, 9-22
- tables (continued)
- in PL/SQL, 7-8
- mutating, 9-22
- TCP/IP, 13-16
- temporary and permanent LOB instances, 2-34
- temporary segments, index creation and, 4-3
- text search, using Oracle9i Text, 2-34
- third-generation computing language, definition, 1-4
- time and date data, representing, 2-20
- time zones, functions, 2-23
- TIMESTAMP datatype, 2-6, 2-20
- TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE datatype, 2-7, 2-20
- TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datatype, 2-7, 2-20
- timestamps, PL/SQL library unit dependencies, 7-21
- TM (transaction manager), 16-2
- TO_CHAR function, 2-41
- CC date format, 2-27
- RR date format, 2-26
- TO_CLOB function, 2-41
- TO_DATE function, 2-21, 2-41
- RR date format, 2-26
- TO_NCHAR function, 2-41
- TO_NCLOB function, 2-41
- TO_NUMBER function, 2-41
- tracking system events, 9-49, 10-1
- transaction manager, 16-2
- transaction set consistency, definition, 5-25
- transaction, main, definition, 5-29
- transactions
- autonomous, 5-28 to 5-36
- read-only, 5-8
- serializable, 5-19
- SET TRANSACTION statement, 5-8
- trigger
- disabled, definition, 9-28
- enabled, definition, 9-28
- triggering statement, definition, 9-5
- triggers
- about, 7-20
- accessing column values, 9-17
- AFTER, 9-6, 9-17, 9-33, 9-35
- triggers (continued)
- auditing with, 9-32, 9-33
- BEFORE, 9-6, 9-17, 9-45, 9-46
- body, 9-15, 9-19, 9-20, 9-22
- check constraints, 9-43, 9-45
- client events, 10-8
- column list in UPDATE, 9-6, 9-20
- compiled, 9-26
- conditional predicates, 9-15, 9-19
- creating, 9-2, 9-21, 9-26
- data access restrictions, 9-45
- debugging, 9-28
- designing, 9-2
- disabling, 9-28, 9-29
- distributed query creation, 7-38
- enabling, 9-28
- error conditions and exceptions, 9-20
- events, 9-5
- examples, 9-31 to 9-47
- firing, 9-1
- FOR EACH ROW clause, 9-13
- generating derived column values, 9-46
- illegal SQL statements, 9-22
- INSTEAD OF triggers, 9-8
- integrity constraints vs., 9-2, 9-37
- listing information about, 9-29
- modifying, 9-28
- multiple same type, 9-7
- mutating tables and, 9-22
- naming, 9-4
- package variables and, 9-7
- privileges, 9-26
- to drop, 9-28
- procedures and, 9-22
- recompiling, 9-27
- REFERENCING option, 9-19
- referential integrity and, 9-38 to 9-42
- remote dependencies and, 9-22
- remote exceptions, 9-20
- resource manager events, 10-7
- restrictions, 9-14, 9-21
- row, 9-13
- row evaluation order, 9-7
- scan order, 9-7
- stored, 9-26
- triggers (continued)
- system triggers, 9-4
- on DATABASE, 9-4
- on SCHEMA, 9-4
- trigger evaluation order, 9-7
- use of LONG and LONG RAW datatypes, 9-22
- username reported in, 9-25
- WHEN clause, 9-14
- TRUNC function, 2-21
- TRUST keyword, 7-61
- type attribute, PL/SQL, 1-5
- undo data, 15-2
- UNDO_MANAGEMENT configuration parameter, 15-4
- UNDO_RETENTION configuration parameter, 15-4
- UNDO_TABLESPACE configuration parameter, 15-4
- unhandled exceptions, 7-38
- UNIQUE key constraints
- combining with NOT NULL constraint, 3-5
- composite keys and nulls, 3-7
- disabling, 3-21
- enabling, 3-20
- PRIMARY KEY constraint vs., 3-6
- when to use, 3-6
- updatable view, definition, 9-8
- UPDATE statement
- column values and triggers, 9-17
- data consistency, 5-10
- triggers and, 9-6, 9-20
- triggers for referential integrity, 9-40, 9-41
- update, distributed, definition, 7-49
- UPPER function, 4-9
- URLs, 13-16
- UROWID datatype, 2-8
- USER function, 3-5
- user locks, requesting, 5-17
- USER_ERRORS view, debugging stored procedures, 7-35
- USER_SOURCE view, 7-35
- user-defined errors, 7-35, 7-37
- usernames, as reported in a trigger, 9-25
- UTL_HTTP package, 13-16
- UTL_INADDR package, 13-16
- UTL_SMTP package, 13-15
- UTL_TCP package, 13-16
- UTLLOCKT.SQL script, 5-19
- VARCHAR datatype, , S
- VARCHAR2 datatype, 2-4, 2-8
- column length, 2-9
- VBScript, translating to PSP, 13-20
- VERSIONS_ENDSCN pseudocolumn, 15-11
- VERSIONS_ENDTIME pseudocolumn, 15-11
- VERSIONS_OPERATION pseudocolumn, 15-11
- VERSIONS_STARTSCN pseudocolumn, 15-11
- VERSIONS_STARTTIME pseudocolumn, 15-11
- VERSIONS_XID pseudocolumn, 15-11
- views
- containing expressions, 9-9
- inherently modifiable, 9-9
- modifiable, 9-9
- pseudocolumns, 9-9
- Web pages, dynamic, 13-19
- WHEN clause, 9-14
- cannot contain PL/SQL expressions, 9-14
- correlation names, 9-17
- examples, 9-2, 9-13, 9-38
- EXCEPTION examples, 9-20, 9-38, 9-43, 9-45
- WITH CONTEXT clause, 8-33
- WNDS argument, 7-60
- WNPS argument, 7-60
- wrapper to hide PL/SQL code, 7-20
- X locks, LOCK TABLE statement, 5-15
- XA library, 16-1 to 16-36
- xa_open string, 16-9
- as document type for PSP file, 13-22
- searching with Oracle9i Text, 2-34
- XML data, representing, 2-47
- X/Open distributed transaction processing architecture, 16-2
- year 2000, 2-25
- zero values, 2-14