SYNOPSIS: How to unconfigure and configure a cpu/memory board using cfgadm
DETAIL DESCRIPTION:How to unconfigure and configure a cpu/memory board using cfgadm.
System type: Sun Enterprise [TM] E3x00,E4x00,E5x00,E6x00
OS: Solaris [TM] 8*before using cfgadm, read "How to set up an E3x00-E6x00 for DR." below
To remove a cpu/memory board
1) Unconfigure each bank separately
#cfgadm -c unconfigure ac#:bank#
#cfgadm -c unconfigure ac#:bank#
*To get ac#:bank#, run #cfgadm -s cols=ap_id:info:type
The above command will associate the address controller(ac) number with the slot number, because the device names for memory are assigned chronologically, not by board number.
2) Unconfigure the board
#cfgadm -c unconfigure sysctrl#:slot#
*Unconfiguring the board will prompt solaris to remove all processes from the cpu's of the unconfigured boards and reschedule them on different cpu's.Therefore, it is not necessary to issue a command to bring the cpu's offline.
3) Disconnect the board
#cfgadm -c disconnect sysctrl#:slot#
*The board may be removed from the system now. This should be performed in a "fluid motion" and take less then one(1) second.Insertions or removals taking longer may stall the bus and crash the system.
To configure a cpu/memory board into system
1) Connect board
#cfgadm -c connect sysctrl#:slot#
2) Configure board
#cfgadm -v -c configure sysctrl#:slot#
3) Test memory on board (you must do this for both banks of memory)
#cfgadm -o configure ac#:bank#
#cfgadm -o configure ac#:bank#
*If you do not test memory before configuring memory, this may cause an "unknown" condition when you run "prtdiag" or "cfgadm -l"
4) Configure memory (you must do this for both banks of memory)
#cfgadm -c configure ac#:bank#
#cfgadm -c configure ac#:bank#
5) Bring cpu's back online
#psrinfo (will give the cpu #'s that are offline)
#psradm -n # #
#psrinfo (to confirm cpu's came online)
APPLIES TO: Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers/Enterprise 6500, Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers/Enterprise 6000, Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers/Enterprise 5500, Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers/Enterprise 5000, Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers/Enterprise 4500, Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers/Enterprise 4000, Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers/Enterprise 3500, Hardware/Ultra Enterprise/Servers/Enterprise 3000, AFO Vertical Team Docs/Hardware