SunRay Misc Stuff

Misc article commnets

SunRay UNIX and PC keyboards
SunRay special keystokes (for users)
SunRay troubleshooting (for users)
Killing and restarting the SunRay servers (for sys admins)
SunRay server administrative commands (for sys admins)

SunRay special keystokes

Restart (new login banner): [CNTL][ALT][BACKSPACE]
Power reset keys: [CNTL][CRESCENT]
Audio and video settings: [SHIFT][PROP]
Ethernet ID (last 6 chars): 3 audio keys at once

SunRay troubleshooting
If your login session on a SunRay freezes up (and it is not happening
to everyone else in the room), you may be able to correct the problem
yourself. However, just unplugging the SunRay will not log you out,
so you may need to login a second time to kill the processes from your
first login.

The SunRays are just graphical displays (xterminals, basically). All the
processes are running on the server. So unplugging and restarting the
SunRay does not affect the processes that are generating the display, and
you usually just get the same display again. If you were logged in when
the sunray looses power, you will be logged in when the power is restored.

First, try power-cycling the SunRay by pressing [CTRL][DIAMOND][CRESENT]
at the same time. That will power-cycle the sunray, but not log you out.

If that doesn't work, log in again to the same SunRay server and try to
kill all of your processes on the server (forcibly) with the command
'pkill -u aredfern'. You should immediately see all your sessions
(including the one you are now using) return to login-prompts. To avoid
killing your current session, you can use "ps -aef | grep $user" to list
all of processes you own. The command "tty" will list the current
terminal session that you are using, and by elimination you can usually
figure out which processes are from the first (stalled) login. You can
kill a process using "kill -9 PID" where PID is the process ID taken from
the 'ps' output.

Killing and restarting the SunRay servers (for sys admins)

On the server: (you don't have to do this at the console, but you *do*
have to leave open the window if you do this from your workstation)

/etc/init.d/utsvc stop
/etc/init.d/dsserv stop
/etc/init.d/dsweb stop
/etc/init.d/dsadm stop
/etc/init.d/dhcp stop

/etc/init.d/dhcp start
/etc/init.d/dsadm start
/etc/init.d/dsweb start
/etc/init.d/dsserv start
/etc/init.d/utsvc start

Don't do these if you don't have to, they'll log everyone off the SunRays:

/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utpolicy -i clear
/etc/init.d/dtlogin stop
/etc/init.d/dtlogin start

SunRay server administrative commands (for sys admins)
To list desktop ids by ethernet number:

/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utdesktop -l

To display current NRAM of a SunRay:

/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utdesktop -p <ethernet>`

To view SunRay logs:

tail -f /var/opt/SUNWut/log/messages

To reset a SunRay that is in blank screen mode:

1) Get MAC address of SunRay: hold down all 3 audio keys at once.
2) Run "/share/b/adm/bin/fixblank $MAC"

To reset a SunRay that is in geeko mode:

1) Get MAC address of SunRay: hold down all 3 audio keys at once.
2) Run "/share/b/adm/bin/fixgecko $MAC"
Here is a summary of that script:

if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {die "usage: $0 MAC_address\n";}
($mac = $ARGV[0]) =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
$tok = `awk -F= '/'$mac'/ {print \$2}' /var/opt/SUNWut/displays/*`;
system ("/opt/SUNWut/lib/utdtsession -t $tok delete");

3) Reboot the SunRay. [CNTL][CRESCENT]
4) Wait; server will reset it in 1-2 minutes.




Last changes: Friday, February 09, 2007 03:35:17 PM,
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