
Use the break command to bring the server to the OpenBoot PROM prompt (ok). If you have configured the kadb debugger, then the break command brings the server into debug mode.

Make sure that the server front panel keyswitch is not in the Locked position, and that the system console is directed to ALOM. If the front panel keyswitch is in the Locked position, ALOM returns the error message Error: Unable to execute break as system is locked.

How to Use the break Command

Note: You must have c level user permission to use this command.

At the sc> prompt, type the following command:

sc> break option

where option is -y, if desired.

After you type the break command, the server returns the ok prompt.

Command Option

The break command uses one option: -y.

If you specify -y, the break occurs without the prompt: Are you sure you want to send a break to the system [y/n]?

ALOM shell commands

Types of ALOM commands
